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501 저널기사 A selective reaction of polyhydroxy fullerene with cycloaliphatic epoxy resin in designing ether connected epoxy star utilizing fullerene as a molecular core/ 미리보기
Goswami, T. H Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 2003
502 저널기사 A selective reaction that can be used to attach moenomycin to solid supports and proteins 미리보기
Kempin, U Pergamon Press 1980
503 저널기사 A Selective Review of Recent Developments in the Economic Growth Literature 미리보기
Kong, T. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
504 저널기사 A selective review of the economics of standardization. Entry deterrence, technological progress and international competition 미리보기
Matutes, C. 00 1996
505 저널기사 A Selective Review of Time Assumptions in Strategy Research/ 미리보기
Mosakowski, Elaine Academy of Management 1900
506 저널기사 A Selective Review of Time Assumptions in Strategy Research 미리보기
507 저널기사 A Selective Role for Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-Trisphosphate in the G~i-dependent Activation of Platelet Rap1B 미리보기
Lova, P.; Paganini, S.; Hirsch, E.; Barberis, L.; Wymann, M.; Sinigaglia, F.; Balduini, C.; Torti, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
508 저널기사 A Selective Small Molecule Inhibitor of c-Met Kinase Inhibits c-Met-Dependent Phenotypes in Vitro and Exhibits Cytoreductive Antitumor Activity in Vivo/ 미리보기
Christensen, J. G Williams and Wilkins 2003
509 저널기사 A Selective Survey of Globalization Studies: The Cultural Deficit 미리보기
Didem Buhari Gulmez Berkeley Electronic Press
510 저널기사 A selective �protein kinase C antagonist inhibits protection of cardiacmyocytes from hypoxia-induced cell death 미리보기
Gray, M. O American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
511 저널기사 A selectivity study of 2,4-pentanediol hydrogenolysis combining experiments and computer simulation/ 미리보기
Wang, K Pergamon Press 2003
512 저널기사 A selenium-containing single-chain abzyme with potent antioxidant activity/ 미리보기
You, D Springer-Verlag 1900
513 저널기사 A Selenocysteine-Containing Peroxiredoxin from the Strictly Anaerobic Organism Eubacterium acidaminophilum/ 미리보기
S�hling, Brigitte W. de Gruyter 2001
514 저널기사 A selenoprotein in the plant kingdom. Mass spectrometry confirms that an opal codon (UGA) encodes selenocysteine in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii glutathione peroxidase 미리보기
Fu, L.-H.; Wang, X.-F.; Eyal, Y.; She, Y.-M.; Donald, L. J.; Standing, K. G.; Ben-Hayyim, G. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
515 저널기사 A Selenopyrylium Photosensitizer for Photodynamic Therapy Related in Structure to the Antitumor Agent AA1 with Potent in Vivo Activity and No Long-Term Skin Photosensitization/ 미리보기
Leonard, Kristi A American Chemical Society 2000
516 저널기사 A self adaptive computer-based pH measurement and fuzzy-control system 미리보기
Menzl, S Pergamon Press 1980
517 저널기사 A self-adjusting carbohydrate ligand for GalNAc specific lectins 미리보기
Sakai, S Pergamon Press 1980
518 저널기사 A self-assembling polymer-bound rotaxane under thermodynamic control 미리보기
Johnstone, K. D Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
519 저널기사 A self-assessment tool for implementing concurrent engineering through change management 미리보기
Ainscough, M.; Neailey, K.; Tennant, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
520 저널기사 A self-colliding stellar wind model for SN 1979C 미리보기
Schwarz, D. H Priestley and Weale 1980
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