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561 저널기사 A Self-scaling implicit SQP Method for Large Scale Structural Optimization 미리보기
Huang, M.-W Wiley [etc.] 1980
562 저널기사 A self-seeded, surfactant-directed hydrothermal growth of single crystalline lithium manganese oxide nanobelts from the commercial bulky particles/ 미리보기
Zhang, L Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
563 저널기사 A self-similar model for extragalactic radio sources 미리보기
Kaiser, C. R Priestley and Weale 1980
564 저널기사 A Self-Similar Solution for the Magnetic Field Distribution of SupernovaRemnants Evolving in Stellar Wind Bubbles and Their Corresponding Radio Morphologies 미리보기
Zhang, Q.-C Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
565 저널기사 A self-similar tiling of Euclidean space by two shapes in two sizes 미리보기
Dekking, F. M The Institute of Physics 1980
566 저널기사 A Self-sufficient Cytochrome P450 with a Primary Structural Organization That Includes a Flavin Domain and a [2Fe-2S] Redox Center/ 미리보기
Roberts, G. A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1900
567 저널기사 A self-tuning heuristic for the design of communication networks 미리보기
Dengiz, Berna; Alabas-Uslu, Cigdem Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2015
568 저널기사 A Self-Tuning Vision System for Monitoring Biotechnological Processes. I. Application to Production of Pullulan by Aureobasidium pullulans 미리보기
Guterman, H John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 1980
O'Keefe, Brian Time, inc., etc.] 2020
570 저널기사 A Selmer Primer / 미리보기
Charle, Francois The Guild 1992
571 저널기사 A Semantic Approach for Estimating Consumer Content Preferences from Online Search Queries 미리보기
Liu, Jia; Toubia, Olivier Institute for operations research and the managemet sciences(INFORMS) 2018
572 저널기사 A Semantic Justification of the Fuzzy Control Method 미리보기
Becker, H North-Holland [etc 1980
573 저널기사 A Semantic Network Analysis of Changes in North Korea's Economic Policy 미리보기
CHOI, C.; LECY, J. D. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
574 저널기사 A Semantics for Possibility Theory Based on Likelihoods 미리보기
Dubois, D Academic Press 1980
575 저널기사 A semantics for reasoning consistently in the presence of inconsistency 미리보기
Lin, J North-Holland Pub. Co. [etc.] 1980
576 저널기사 A semen allocation system for livestock improvement: A case study in goal programming 미리보기
Irwin, S. C Elsevier 1996
577 저널기사 A semi-analytical approach for solving forced vibration problems based on a convolution-type variational principle 미리보기
Peng, J. S Pergamon Press 1996
578 저널기사 A semi-analytical method for evaluation of the 3D inhomogeneous induction heating of a moving hollow cylinder 미리보기
Gong, L. JAMES & JAMES 1995
579 저널기사 A semi-analytical solution for concentration profiles inside a catalyst particle in the presence of coke formation 미리보기
Gottifredi, J. C Pergamon Press 1980
580 저널기사 A semi-analytical solution for laminated composite plates in Hamiltoniansystem 미리보기
Zou, G North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
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