761 |
A serial mixed produce-to-order and produce-in-advance inventory model with multiple retailers
Wu, Y.; Cheng, T. C.; Zhang, J.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
762 |
A serial supply chain of newsvendor problem with safety stocks under complete and partial information sharing
Jeong, I. J.; Jorge Leon, V.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
763 |
A series expansion of the extended Debye-Hueckel equation and application to linear prediction of stability constants
Baeza Baeza, J. J
Pergamon Press
764 |
A Series of Footnotes to Plato's Philosophers
Kevin M. Cherry
University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press
765 |
A series of long-chain lamellar hydrated copper(II) alkylsulfonates with different chain molecular assemblies/
Park, S.-H
Royal Society of Chemistry
766 |
A Series of New High-Performance Materials Based on Poly[4'-fluorophenyl-bis(4-phenyl)phosphine oxide]/
Rusch-Salazar, L. A
John Wiley & Sons
767 |
A series of new oxomolybdenum(IV) complexes involving some NSO donors as the main ligand frame; the first use of diacetyldihydrazones to stabilize the MoO+2 acceptor centre/
Rana, A
Pergamon Press
768 |
A series of novel one-dimensional polymeric clusters [W~4Ag~5S~1~6]~n �n[Ln(DMF)~8] (Ln = Nd, Pr and La) derived from the assembly system of tetrathiotungstate and silver nitrate. X-ray crystal structure of [W~4Ag~5S~1~6]~n �n [Nd(DMF)~s]
Huang, Q. Wu, X. Lu, J.
Pergamon Press
769 |
A serine/arginine-rich nuclear matrix cyclophilin interacts with the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II
Bourquin, J.-P
Information Retrieval Limited
770 |
A serine endopeptidase from cucumber leaves is inhibited by l-arginine, guanidino compounds and divalent cations/
Yamauchi, Yasuo
Pergamon Press
771 |
A serine endopeptidase from the fruits of Melothria japonica (Thunb.) Maxim./
Uchikoba, Tetsuya
Pergamon Press
772 |
A serine protease from suspension-cultured soybean cells
Guo, Z.-J
Pergamon Press
773 |
A serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) from ixodid tick Haemaphysalis longicornis; cloning and preliminary assessment of its suitability as a candidate for a tick vaccine/
Sugino, M
774 |
A serine/threonine kinase gene defective in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Hemminki, A
Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.]
775 |
A Serious Disease of Groundnut Caused by Cowpea Mild Mottle Virus in theSudan
El-Hassan, S. M
776 |
A Serious Rally for a Star Manager
Birger, Jon
Time, inc., etc.]
777 |
A seroepidemiologic study of feline leukemia virus in San Antonio /
Ehrlund, L
Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co
778 |
A serological survey of four Leptospira serovars in dairy cows on PrinceEdward Island
Richardson, G. F
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
779 |
A serological survey on classical swine fever (CSF), Aujeszky's disease (AD) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus infections in French wild boars from 1991 to 1998/
Albina, E
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co
780 |
A serologic survey of antibody against chicken infectious anemia virus by indirect immunofluorescent assay in domestic poultry in China
Zhou, W
American Association of Avian Pathologists [etc.]