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781 저널기사 A Serotonin Receptor Gene (5HT1A) Variant Found in a Tourette's SyndromePatient 미리보기
Lam, S Academic Press 1980
782 저널기사 A Serotype V Clone Is Predominant among Erythromycin-Resistant Streptococcus agalactiae Isolates in a Southwestern Region of Germany/ 미리보기
von Both, U American Society for Microbiology 2003
783 저널기사 A serum factor after massive small bowel resection enhances epidermal growth factor receptor expression and activation/ 미리보기
Stern, Lawrence E Elsevier Science Pub 2000
784 저널기사 A Serum Factor Potentiates ACh and AMPA Receptor Currents via Differential Signal Transduction Pathways 미리보기
Nishizaki, T Academic Press 1980
785 저널기사 A Serum Factor(s) After Small Bowel Resection Induces Intestinal Epithelial Cell Proliferation: Effects of Timing, Site, and Extent of Resection/ 미리보기
Juno, R. J Grune and Stratton 2003
786 저널기사 A Serum-Free Medium for Use in a Cumulus Cell Co-Culture System for Bovine Embryos Derived From In Vitro Maturation and In Vitro Fertilization 미리보기
Lim, J. M Butterworths, etc 1996
787 저널기사 A Serum Response Factor-Dependent Transcriptional Regulatory Program Identifies Distinct Smooth Muscle Cell Sublineages 미리보기
Kim, S American Society for Microbiology 1980
788 저널기사 A Servant to Many Masters: Competing Shareholder Preferences and Limits to Catering 미리보기
Manconi A, Massa M University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2013
789 저널기사 A Service Framework 미리보기
Tyagi, R.; Piccotti, J. American Society for Quality Control 2012
790 저널기사 A service-learning initiative within a community-based small business 미리보기
Simola, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
791 저널기사 A Service Lens on Value Creation: Marketing's Role in Achieving Strategic Advantage 미리보기
Bettencourt, L.A.; Lusch, R.F.; Vargo, S.L. Graduate Schools of Business Administration, University of California 2014
792 저널기사 A service model for improving healthcare delivery in rural developing communities 미리보기
Leach, R.J.; Shurn, T.; Burge, L.L.; Keiller, P.A.; Trimble, J. INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS 2012
793 저널기사 A service-oriented virtual learning environment 미리보기
Booth, A. G.; Clark, B. P. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
794 저널기사 A service performance model of Hong Kong cruise travelers' motivation factors and satisfaction 미리보기
Hailin, Q Butterworths 1999
795 저널기사 A service performance model of Hong Kong cruise travelers' motivation factors and satisfaction 미리보기
796 저널기사 A Service Perspective for Human Capital Resources: A Critical Base for Strategy Implementation 미리보기
Greer, Charles R.; Lusch, Robert F.; Hitt, Michael A. Academy of Management 2017
797 저널기사 A service perspective on business relationships: The value creation, interaction and marketing interface 미리보기
Gronroos, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
798 저널기사 A service position model of package tour services based on the hybrid MCDM approach 미리보기
Lin, Chia-Li; Kuo, Chung-Ling Channel View Books 2019
799 저널기사 A Service Provider's Elicitation of Its Customers- Demand Distributions by a Price Mechanism 미리보기
Dobson, G.; Lederer, P. J.; Robinson, L. W. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
800 저널기사 A service quality framework for Web-based information systems 미리보기
Tan, K. C.; Xie, M.; Li, Y. N. MCB UNIVERSITY PRESS 2003
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