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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
861 저널기사 A sharp isoperimetric inequality for rank one symmetric spaces/ 미리보기
Thies, T Springer-Verlag 2003
862 저널기사 A Sharp Test of the Portability of Expertise 미리보기
Green, Etan A.; Rao, Justin M.; Rothschild, David Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
863 저널기사 A Shear-Induced Instability in Freely Suspended Smectic-A Liquid-CrystalFilms 미리보기
Dash, D American Physical Society 1980
864 저널기사 A Shearing Disk Plastometer for Unvulcanized Rubber / 미리보기
Mooney, Melvin American Chemical Society 1934
865 저널기사 A shearing technique measuring resistance properties of plant stems 미리보기
Iwaasa, A. D Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
866 저널기사 A shear stress-based parameter for fretting fatigue crack initiation/ 미리보기
Lykins, C D Pergamon Press 2001
867 저널기사 A Sheep in Wolf s Clothing: Exploring Researcher Vulnerability 미리보기
Hamilton, K.; Downey, H.; Catterall, M. Association for Consumer Research 2006
868 저널기사 A Sheep in Wolf s Clothing: Exploring Researcher Vulnerability 미리보기
Hamilton, K.; Downey, H.; Catterall, M. Association for Consumer Research 2006
869 저널기사 A Shelf of Trophies 미리보기
SERWER, ANDY Time, inc., etc.] 2013
870 저널기사 A shelter for hutches 미리보기
Miller Pub. Co.] 1985
871 저널기사 A Shield for David and a Sword Against Goliath: Protecting Association While Combatting Dark Money Through Proportionality 미리보기
unknown Harvard Law Review Pub. Association 2019
872 저널기사 A Shift in Focus: Systematisation in European Private Law through EU Law 미리보기
Mak, V. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
873 저널기사 A Shifting Mandate: International Ownership, Global Fragmentation, and a Case for Deeper Integration under the WTO 미리보기
Blanchard, E.J. Cambridge University Press 2015
874 저널기사 A Shifting Playing Field: The UK's Engagement in a Globalizing World 미리보기
Alexander, D. Harvard International Relations Council 2013
875 저널기사 A shift in strategy: UK-based Inchcape Shipping Services believes that it has a strong future in the highly competitive and consolidating liner shipping agency industry 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2008
876 저널기사 A Shift in Style - J. Crew finally has a business plan to match its classic brand. But first the finicky family that started the company had to let go./ 미리보기
Kelly, Erin Time, inc., etc.] 2000
877 저널기사 A shift in the historical trajectory of medical dominance: the case of Medibank and the Australian doctors' lobby/ 미리보기
De Voe, J. E Pergamon 2003
878 저널기사 A Shift in the Mobile Network Service Provisioning Paradigm/ 미리보기
Torabi, Mohammad Lucent Technologies 2000
879 저널기사 A Shift in Values: Non-commodity Resource Management and the Forest Service 미리보기
880 저널기사 A Shift of Maximum Position of Chemisorption Energy due to Chemisorption-Induced Surface Segregation : 미리보기
Zhang, Hui VSV Co. Ltd 1996
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