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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
112401 저널기사 THE SUN - On the relation between total irradiance and radius variations/ 미리보기
Pap, J 2001
112402 저널기사 THE SUN - On the reliability of peak-flux distributions, with an application to solar flares/ 미리보기
Isliker, H Springer-Verlag 2001
112403 저널기사 THE SUN - On the temperature profile and heat flux in the solar corona: Kinetic simulations/ 미리보기
Landi, S 2001
112404 저널기사 THE SUN - Oscillations and running waves observed in sunspots. III. Multilayer study/ 미리보기
Christopoulou, E B Springer-Verlag 2001
112405 저널기사 The Sun - Oscillations and running waves observed in sunspots. II. Photospheric waves/ 미리보기
Georgakilas, A A Springer-Verlag 2000
112406 저널기사 THE SUN - Oscillations in an active region filament: Observations and comparison with MHD waves/ 미리보기
R�gnier, S Springer-Verlag 2001
112407 저널기사 THE SUN - Parametric decay of circularly polarized Alfv�n waves: Multidimensional simulations in periodic and open domains/ 미리보기
Zanna, L Del Springer-Verlag 2001
112408 저널기사 THE SUN - Periodicities in data observed during the minimum and the rising phase of solar cycle 23; years 1996-1999/ 미리보기
Zieba, S Springer-Verlag 2001
112409 저널기사 THE SUN - Periodicities ip data observed during the minimum and the rising phase of solar cycle 23; years 1996-1999/ 미리보기
Zieba, S Springer-Verlag 2001
112410 저널기사 THE SUN - Pick-up ions upstream and downstream of the termination shock/ 미리보기
Czechowski, A Springer-Verlag 2001
112411 저널기사 THE SUN - Polar surges and macrospicules. II. Dynamics of an eruptive event from off-limb observations/ 미리보기
Georyakilas, A A Springer-Verlag 2001
112412 저널기사 THE SUN - Prominence fine structures in a magnetic equilibrium: Two-dimensional models with multilevel radiative transfer/ 미리보기
Heinzel, P Springer-Verlag 2001
112413 저널기사 THE SUN - Properties of EUV and X-ray emission in solar active regions/ 미리보기
Matthews, S A Springer-Verlag 2001
112414 저널기사 THE SUN - Proton transport through self-generated waves in impulsive flares/ 미리보기
Vainio, R Springer-Verlag 2001
112415 저널기사 THE SUN - Radar observation of the Leonids in 1998 and 1999/ 미리보기
Simek, M Springer-Verlag 2001
112416 저널기사 The Sun - Radial stellar oscillations under the influence of the dynamics of the atmosphere -- A one-dimensional approach. I. Linear adiabatic oscillations of a special model/ 미리보기
Geyer, M P Springer-Verlag 2000
112417 저널기사 THE SUN - Radiative damping of quiescent prominence oscillations/ 미리보기
Terradas, J Springer-Verlag 2001
112418 저널기사 THE SUN - Radio bursts with rapid frequency variations - Lace bursts/ 미리보기
Karlicky, M Springer-Verlag 2001
112419 저널기사 The Sun - Rapid intensity and velocity variations in solar transition region lines/ 미리보기
Hansteen, V H Springer-Verlag 2000
112420 저널기사 THE SUN - Relationship between magnetic field evolution and major flare event on July 14, 2000/ 미리보기
Liu, Y 2001
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