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112761 저널기사 The surgical intensivist as mediator of end-of-life issues in the care of critically ill patients/ 미리보기
Eachempati, S. R Elsevier Science Pub 1900
112762 저널기사 The Surgical Management of Congenital Kyphosis and Kyphoscoliosis/ 미리보기
Mcmaster, Michael J Lippincott Co., [etc.] 2001
112763 저널기사 The Surgical Management of Facial Nerve Injury/ 미리보기
Myckatyn, T. M W.B.Saunders 2003
112764 저널기사 The surgical management of pituitary adenomas in a series of 3,093 patients/ 미리보기
Jane, John A Elsevier Science Pub 2001
112765 저널기사 The surgical suite meets the new health economy/ 미리보기
Canales, Miguel G 2001
112766 저널기사 The Surgical Treatment of Cancer: A Comparison of Resource Utilization following Procedures Performed with Curative and Palliative Intent/ 미리보기
Cullinane, C. A Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.] 2003
112767 저널기사 The Surplus in Monopoly Capitalism and the Imperialist Rent 미리보기
Amin, S. Monthly Review Foundation 2012
112768 저널기사 The surprise element: jumps in interest rates 미리보기
Das, S. R. ELSEVIER 2002
112769 저널기사 The surprise fall in GDP: The lean year 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2011
112770 저널기사 The Surprising Alpha From Malkiel's Monkey and Upside-Down Strategies 미리보기
Arnott, R.D.; Hsu, J.; Kalesnik, V.; Tindall, P. Institutional Investor, Inc 2013
112771 저널기사 The surprising benefits of a parallel universe 미리보기
La Manna, M. M. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
112772 저널기사 The Surprising Breadth of Harbingers of Failure 미리보기
Simester, Duncan I.; Tucker, Catherine E.; Yang, Clair American Marketing Association] 2019
112773 저널기사 The Surprising Crystal Packing of Chlorinefluoride 미리보기
Boese, R VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
112774 저널기사 The Surprising Effectiveness of Hostile Mediators 미리보기
Zhang, Ting; Gino, Francesca; Norton, Michael I. Institute of Management Sciences] 2017
112775 저널기사 The Surprising Implications of the Lehman Default for Derivatives and Structured Finance 미리보기
Niculescu, P. Institutional Investor, Inc. 2012
112776 저널기사 The Surprising Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent: A New Answer to an Old Question 미리보기
Martin Feldstein University of Chicago Press
112777 저널기사 The Surprising Incidence of Tax Credits for the Toyota Prius 미리보기
Sallee, J.M. American Economic Association 2011
112778 저널기사 The Surprising Influencers: How the Inferred Attributes of Observed Consumers Shape Observer Consumers' Buying Intentions 미리보기
Shalev, E.; Morwitz, V. Association for Consumer Research 2008
112779 저널기사 The Surprising Instability of Competitive Authoritarianism 미리보기
Carothers, Christopher National Endowment for Democracy 2018
112780 저널기사 The surprisingly complex case against theft 미리보기
Hasen, Richard L Butterworths 1997
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