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112841 저널기사 The sustainability of bond-financed deficits: An overlapping generations approach 미리보기
Chalk, N. A. ELSEVIER 2000
112842 저널기사 The Sustainability of Budget Deficits in a Stochastic Economy 미리보기
112843 저널기사 The sustainability of budget deficits in a stochastic economy 미리보기
Bohn, Henning Ohio State University Press 1995
112844 저널기사 The sustainability of Chinas major mining cities 미리보기
Yu, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhou, Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
112845 저널기사 The sustainability of current account deficits: A test of the US intertemporal budget constraint 미리보기
Wickens, M. R. ELSEVIER 1993
112846 저널기사 The Sustainability of Development Projects: An Impact Assessment of German Vocational-Training Projects in Latin America 미리보기
Stockmann, R. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
112847 저널기사 The Sustainability of Economic Reform in a Most Likely Case: Peru 미리보기
Arce, M. Political Science Program of the City University of New York, etc.]
112848 저널기사 The Sustainability of Economic Reform in a Most Likely Case: Peru/ 미리보기
Arce, M Political Science Program of the City University of New York, etc.] 2003
112849 저널기사 The sustainability of island destinations: Tourism area life cycle and teleological perspectives. The case of Tenerife 미리보기
Oreja Rodriguez, J. R.; Parra-Lopez, E.; Yanes-Estevez, V. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
112850 저널기사 The sustainability of logging in Indonesia's tropical forests: A dynamic input-output analysis 미리보기
Hamilton, C. ELSEVIER 1997
112851 저널기사 The sustainability of management practices in the Old City of Salamanca 미리보기
Pons, A.; Roders, A. R.; Turner, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
112852 저널기사 The Sustainability of Political Democracy: Lessons From South America 미리보기
Remmer, K. L Sage Publications 1980
112853 저널기사 The Sustainability of Political Democracy: Lessons From South America 미리보기
Remmer, K. L. Sage Publications 1996
112854 저널기사 The Sustainability of the Water Industry in a Regulated Environment 미리보기
Legge, D. OXFORD UNIV PR 2000
112855 저널기사 The Sustainability of the Youth Foyer Model: A Comparison of the UK and Australia 미리보기
Adam Steen ; David MacKenzie Cambridge University Press 2017
112856 저널기사 The sustainability of trade deficits in the presence of endogenous structural breaks: Evidence from the Indian economy 미리보기
Nag, B.; Mukherjee, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
112857 저널기사 The sustainability strategies of Indian pesticide industry: a comparison of domestic vis-a-vis multinational firms 미리보기
Narula, S.A.; Upadhyay, K.M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2010
112858 저널기사 The sustainable agenda and energy efficiency: Logistics solutions and supply chains in times of climate change 미리보기
Halldorsson, A.; Kovacs, G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
112859 저널기사 The Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Park? Contradictions and Persistent Antagonisms at Sydney's Olympic Park 미리보기
Davidson, M. V.H. Winston 2013
112860 저널기사 The sustainable borders of the state 미리보기
Helm, D. Oxford University Press 2011
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