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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
112961 저널기사 The Syllabus On International Law for Law Faculties of Universities and Juridical Insitutes 미리보기
Sijthoff & Noordhoff
112962 저널기사 The syllogism of apologia: Rhetorical stasis theory and crisis communication 미리보기
Marsh, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
112963 저널기사 The Symbiosis Between Basic and Applied Research 미리보기
Leibowitz, H. W American Psychological Association 1980
112964 저널기사 The symbiosis evolution mechanism and simulation research of developed science-based innovation ecosystem 미리보기
Yuqiong Li; Ling Zhou; Han Tian Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2023
112965 저널기사 The Symbiosis of Banks and Marketplace Lending: Where Are We and Where Are We Headed? 미리보기
Patel, Bimal; Norton, Jeremiah O.; Yan, Jason Knickerbocker Print. Co 2016
112966 저널기사 The symbiotic effect of market orientation and brand orientation on performance of service firms in Ghana 미리보기
Henry Stewart Publications 2023
112967 저널기사 The Symbiotic Neutron Star Binary GX 1 + 4/V2116 Ophiuchi 미리보기
Chakrabarts, D Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
112968 저널기사 The symbiotic phenotypes of exopolysaccharide-defective mutants of Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145 do not differ on determinate- and indeterminate-nodulating tree legumes 미리보기
Parveen, N Society for General Microbiology 1980
112969 저널기사 The symbiotic star YY Herculis. I. Photometric history over 1890-1996 미리보기
Munari, U Springer-Verlag 1997
112970 저널기사 The symbiotic system in quasars: black hole, accretion disk and jet 미리보기
Donea, A.-C Springer-Verlag 1996
112971 저널기사 The symbolic nature of Esperanto 미리보기
Nuessel, F. Mouton Publishers [etc.] 1993
112972 저널기사 The symbolic politics of genirification: the restructuring of stigmatized neighborhoods in Amsterdam and Istanbul 미리보기
Sakizlioglu, N.B.; Uitermark, J. Pion Ltd 2014
112973 저널기사 The Symbolic Representation of Gender: A Discursive Approach. By Emanuela Lombardo and Petra Meier . Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2014. 225 pp. $119.95 hardcover. 미리보기
Myra Marx Ferree Cambridge University Press for the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science Association 2015
112974 저널기사 The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain, T Deacon 미리보기
Poeppel, D Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
112975 저널기사 The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries. By Karlo Basta. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021. 272p. $130.00 cloth, $37.95 paper. 미리보기
Veljko Vujačić Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2022
112976 저널기사 The symbolism of the Arab flag in modern Arab states: between commonality and uniqueness 미리보기
PODEH, E. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2011
112977 저널기사 The Symmertrical-Gacila Isomer of Ammine (diethylenertriamine)dimitrocobalt(III) Chloride, s-fac-[Co(dien)-(NH3)NO2)2]Cl./ 미리보기
CHURCHILL, MELVYN, ROWEN Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1981
112978 저널기사 The symmetric multiple prize all-pay auction with complete information 미리보기
Barut, Y. ELSEVIER 1998
112979 저널기사 The Symmetric Parsec-Scale Jets of the Radio Galaxy Hydra A 미리보기
Taylor, G. B Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
112980 저널기사 The Symmetries of Fermion Fluids at Low Dimensions/ 미리보기
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