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1 저널기사 A Time Series Analysis of UK Lottery Sales: Long and Short Run Price Elasticities 미리보기
Farrell, L. BLACKWELL 1999
2 저널기사 Tar Evasion and the Time Consistency of the Government's Income Tax Policy 미리보기
Batina, R. G Blackwell 1999
3 저널기사 Tax Evasion, Tax Competition and the Gains from Nondiscrimination: The Case of Interest Taxation in Europe 미리보기
Janeba, E. BLACKWELL 1999
4 저널기사 Taylor (J. Edward) and Adelman (Irma), Village Economies: The Design, Estimation, and Use of Villagewide Economic Models 미리보기
Bliss, C. BLACKWELL 1999
5 저널기사 Technological change and agricultural household income distribution: theory and evidence from China 미리보기
Lin, J. Y. Blackwell 1999
6 저널기사 Technology domains and manpower choice in the restaurant sector 미리보기
Hjalager, A.-M. BLACKWELL 1999
7 저널기사 Testing for Purchasing Power Parity: Econometric Issues and an Application to Developing Countries 미리보기
Boyd, D. BLACKWELL 1999
8 저널기사 Testing the Stability of a Production Function with Urbanization as a Shift Factor 미리보기
McCoskey, S. BLACKWELL 1999
9 저널기사 Tests for Poolability of the Panel Data in the Presence of Unknown Heteroskedasticity: An Asymptotic Extension of ANOVA 미리보기
Yoshida, A Blackwell 1999
10 저널기사 Tests of Non-Linearity Using Liffe Futures Transactions Price Data 미리보기
Gwilym, O. A. BLACKWELL 1999
11 저널기사 The Target Zone Model, Non-linearity and Mcan Reversion: Is the honeymoon Really Over? 미리보기
Iannizott, M. BLACKWELL 1999
12 저널기사 The Theory of Exchange Rate Target Zones 미리보기
Kempa, B. BLACKWELL 1999
13 저널기사 The Timing of Work Over Time 미리보기
Hamermesh, D. S. BLACKWELL 1999
14 저널기사 The Travel Cost Method: an empirical investigation of Randall's Difficulty 미리보기
Common, M. Blackwell 1999
15 저널기사 TK Solver v. 3.32 for Windows 미리보기
Shone, R. BLACKWELL 1999
16 저널기사 Too Much Monitoring, Not Enough Pay 미리보기
Demeza, D. BLACKWELL 1999
17 저널기사 Topkis (Donald M.). Supermodularity and Complementarity 미리보기
Peitz, M. BLACKWELL 1999
18 저널기사 Towse (Ruth), (Ed). Baumol's Cost Disease: The Arts and other Victims 미리보기
Hutton, A. BLACKWELL 1999
19 저널기사 Transboundary Pollution in a Dynamic Game Model 미리보기
Dockner, E. J Blackwell 1999
20 저널기사 Tribe (Keith), (Ed). Economic Careers: Economics and Economists in Britain 1930-1970 미리보기
Kaser, M. BLACKWELL 1999
