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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
641 저널기사 Trade in disembodied technology and total factor productivity in OECD countries 미리보기
Mendi, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
642 단행본 Trade in goods:the GATT and the other agreements regulating trade in goods 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Petros C. Mavroidis Oxford University Press 2007
643 저널기사 Trade in Telecommunications Services Doha and Beyond 미리보기
Peng, S. y. Werner Pub. 2007
644 저널기사 Trade intensity and business cycle synchronization: Are developing countries any different? 미리보기
Calderon, C. s.; Chong, A.; Stein, E. North-Holland 2007
645 저널기사 Trade in Western and Eastern Europe in the aftermath of COMECON: an assessment of behavioral change 미리보기
Egger, P.; Pfaffermayr, M.; Schmidt, R. Oxford University Press 2007
646 저널기사 Trade Liberalisation and Export Variety: A Comparison of Mexico and China: 미리보기
Feenstra, R. C.; Kee, H. L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
647 저널기사 Trade Liberalisation, Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: A Computable General Equilibrium-Microsimulation Analysis 미리보기
HERAULT, N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
648 저널기사 Trade liberalization and institutional reforms 미리보기
Cheptea, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
649 저널기사 Trade liberalization and rising wage inequality in Latin America: Reconciliation with HOS theory 미리보기
Atolia, M. North-Holland 2007
650 저널기사 Trade liberalization, capital account liberalization and the real effects of financial development 미리보기
Braun, M.; Raddatz, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
651 저널기사 Trade Liberalization, Economic Restructuring and Urban Poverty: The Case of China 미리보기
Liang, Z. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
652 저널기사 Trade liberalization, foreign ownership, and the environment in a small open economy 미리보기
Chao, C. C.; Yu, E. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
653 단행본 Trademark and unfair competition law:cases and materials 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Jane C. Ginsburg, Jessica Litman, Mary L. Kevlin Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2007
654 단행본 Trademark:legal care for your business & product name 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Stephen Elias Nolo 2007 URL
655 단행본 Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure:TMEP 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
United States Patent and Trademark Office Thomson/West 2007
656 저널기사 Trademark Protection or Protectionism?: 미리보기
Baroncelli, E.; Krivonos, E.; Olarreaga, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
657 단행본 Trademarks and unfair competition:law and policy 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Mark D. Janis Wolters Kluwer Law & Business/Aspen Publishers 2007 URL
658 저널기사 Trade Negotiations between the EU and South Africa: A Three-Level Game 미리보기
LARSEN, M. F. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
659 저널기사 Trade openness and saving?investment correlations 미리보기
AmirKhalkhali, S.; Dar, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
660 저널기사 Trade Policies as Signals of Private Political Pressure 미리보기
Sawaki, H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
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