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1 저널기사 A Tale of Two Reports: Social Work in Scotland from Social Work and the Community (1966) to Changing Lives (2006) 미리보기
Brodie, I.; Nottingham, C.; Plunkett, S. British Association of Social Workers 2008
2 저널기사 A Theoretical Model for the Comprehensive Assessment of Parenting 미리보기
Farnfield, S. British Association of Social Workers 2008
3 저널기사 Taking Care of Later Life: A Matter of Justice? 미리보기
Johnson, J. British Association of Social Workers 2002
4 저널기사 Taking Rights Structurally: Disability, Rights and Social Worker Responses to Direct Payments 미리보기
Stainton, T. British Association of Social Workers 2002
5 저널기사 Technicality and Indeterminacy in Probation Practice: A Case Study/ 미리보기
Robinson, G British Association of Social Workers 2003
6 저널기사 Temporal Discrimination and Parents with Learning Difficulties in the Child Protection System 미리보기
Booth, T.; McConnell, D.; Booth, W. British Association of Social Workers 2006
7 저널기사 That's Not My Child Anymore! Parental Grief after Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): Incidence, Nature and Longevity 미리보기
Collings, C. British Association of Social Workers 2008
8 저널기사 Themes in Family Care-Giving: Implications for Social Work Practice with Older Adults 미리보기
Sims-Gould, J.; Martin-Matthews, A. British Association of Social Workers 2008
9 저널기사 Theorizing Sexuality, Sexual Abuse and Residential Children’s Homes: Adding Gender to the Equation 미리보기
Green, L. British Association of Social Workers 2005
10 저널기사 `There Are Wonderful Social Workers but it's a Lottery': Older People's Views about Social Workers 미리보기
Manthorpe, J.; Moriarty, J.; Rapaport, J.; Clough, R.; Cornes, M.; Bright, L.; Iliffe, S.; OPRSI (Older People Researching Social Issues) British Association of Social Workers 2008
11 저널기사 The Task-Centred Book,Peter Marsh and Mark Doel,Routledge, Abingdon, 2005, pp. xiv + 191, ISBN 0 415 33456 x (pbk) 미리보기
Slater, P. British Association of Social Workers 2005
12 저널기사 The Tension between Mainstream Competence and Specialization in Adult Protection: An Evaluation of the Role of the Adult Protection Co-ordinator 미리보기
Cambridge, P.; Parkes, T. British Association of Social Workers 2006
13 저널기사 The Ties that Bind: Support from Birth Families and Substitute Families for Young People Leaving Care 미리보기
Wade, J. British Association of Social Workers 2008
14 저널기사 The Trans-Theoretical Model of Change: A Reliable Blueprint for Assessment in Work with Children and Families? 미리보기
Corden, J.; Somerton, J. British Association of Social Workers 2004
15 저널기사 The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care-An International Handbook,Yael Danieli, Danny Brom and Joe Sills (eds),USA, The Haworth Press Inc., 2005, pp. 941, ISBN 0789027739, 34.91 미리보기
Lloyd, P. British Association of Social Workers 2006
16 저널기사 The Trouble with Foster Care: The Impact of Stressful `Events' on Foster Carers 미리보기
Wilson, K. British Association of Social Workers 2000
17 저널기사 The Truth is Longer than a Lie: Children's Experiences of Abuse and Professional Interventions,Neerosh Mudaly and Chris Goddard,London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006, pp. 192, ISBN 1 84310 3176, 18.99 미리보기
Davies, M. British Association of Social Workers 2006
18 저널기사 Third Party Assisted Conception Across Cultures: Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives, Eric Blyth and Ruth Landau (eds), London and New York, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004, pp. 288, ISBN 1 84310 084 (pbk), 1 84310 085 (hb), 18.95 (pbk), 49.95 (hb) 미리보기
Tucker, G. C. British Association of Social Workers 2005
19 저널기사 Tough Love: Social Work, Social Exclusion and the Third Way/ 미리보기
Jordan, Bill British Association of Social Workers 2001
20 저널기사 Toward a Theoretical Framework for Perinatal Bereavement 미리보기
Brownlee, K.; Oikonen, J. British Association of Social Workers 2004
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