1 |
A Tale of Two Reports: Social Work in Scotland from Social Work and the Community (1966) to Changing Lives (2006)
Brodie, I.; Nottingham, C.; Plunkett, S.
British Association of Social Workers
2 |
A Theoretical Model for the Comprehensive Assessment of Parenting
Farnfield, S.
British Association of Social Workers
3 |
Taking Care of Later Life: A Matter of Justice?
Johnson, J.
British Association of Social Workers
4 |
Taking Rights Structurally: Disability, Rights and Social Worker Responses to Direct Payments
Stainton, T.
British Association of Social Workers
5 |
Technicality and Indeterminacy in Probation Practice: A Case Study/
Robinson, G
British Association of Social Workers
6 |
Temporal Discrimination and Parents with Learning Difficulties in the Child Protection System
Booth, T.; McConnell, D.; Booth, W.
British Association of Social Workers
7 |
That's Not My Child Anymore! Parental Grief after Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): Incidence, Nature and Longevity
Collings, C.
British Association of Social Workers
8 |
Themes in Family Care-Giving: Implications for Social Work Practice with Older Adults
Sims-Gould, J.; Martin-Matthews, A.
British Association of Social Workers
9 |
Theorizing Sexuality, Sexual Abuse and Residential Children’s Homes: Adding Gender to the Equation
Green, L.
British Association of Social Workers
10 |
`There Are Wonderful Social Workers but it's a Lottery': Older People's Views about Social Workers
Manthorpe, J.; Moriarty, J.; Rapaport, J.; Clough, R.; Cornes, M.; Bright, L.; Iliffe, S.; OPRSI (Older People Researching Social Issues)
British Association of Social Workers
11 |
The Task-Centred Book,Peter Marsh and Mark Doel,Routledge, Abingdon, 2005, pp. xiv + 191, ISBN 0 415 33456 x (pbk)
Slater, P.
British Association of Social Workers
12 |
The Tension between Mainstream Competence and Specialization in Adult Protection: An Evaluation of the Role of the Adult Protection Co-ordinator
Cambridge, P.; Parkes, T.
British Association of Social Workers
13 |
The Ties that Bind: Support from Birth Families and Substitute Families for Young People Leaving Care
Wade, J.
British Association of Social Workers
14 |
The Trans-Theoretical Model of Change: A Reliable Blueprint for Assessment in Work with Children and Families?
Corden, J.; Somerton, J.
British Association of Social Workers
15 |
The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care-An International Handbook,Yael Danieli, Danny Brom and Joe Sills (eds),USA, The Haworth Press Inc., 2005, pp. 941, ISBN 0789027739, 34.91
Lloyd, P.
British Association of Social Workers
16 |
The Trouble with Foster Care: The Impact of Stressful `Events' on Foster Carers
Wilson, K.
British Association of Social Workers
17 |
The Truth is Longer than a Lie: Children's Experiences of Abuse and Professional Interventions,Neerosh Mudaly and Chris Goddard,London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006, pp. 192, ISBN 1 84310 3176, 18.99
Davies, M.
British Association of Social Workers
18 |
Third Party Assisted Conception Across Cultures: Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives, Eric Blyth and Ruth Landau (eds), London and New York, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004, pp. 288, ISBN 1 84310 084 (pbk), 1 84310 085 (hb), 18.95 (pbk), 49.95 (hb)
Tucker, G. C.
British Association of Social Workers
19 |
Tough Love: Social Work, Social Exclusion and the Third Way/
Jordan, Bill
British Association of Social Workers
20 |
Toward a Theoretical Framework for Perinatal Bereavement
Brownlee, K.; Oikonen, J.
British Association of Social Workers