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1 저널기사 A Turn to the Right: The Norwegian Parliamentary Election of September 2013 미리보기
Allern, E.H.; Karlsen, R. F. Cass 2014
2 저널기사 Taking cues on multidimensional issues: the case of attitudes toward immigration 미리보기
Hellwig, Timothy; Kweon, Yesola F. Cass 2016
3 저널기사 Targeting Accuracy of the NREG: Evidence from Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu 미리보기
Jha, R.; Gaiha, R.; Shankar, S.; Pandey, M. K. F. Cass 2013
4 저널기사 Technocratic attitudes: a citizens’ perspective of expert decision-making 미리보기
Bertsou, Eri; Pastorella, Giulia F. Cass 2017
5 저널기사 Terrorist events, emotional reactions, and political participation: the 2015 Paris attacks 미리보기
Vasilopoulos, Pavlos F. Cass 2018
6 저널기사 Testing Times: The Growing Primacy of Responsibility in the Euro Area 미리보기
Laffan, B. F. Cass 2014
7 저널기사 `The people know they need religion in order to develop': Religion's Capacity to Inspire People in Pune's Slums FREE 미리보기
Bhatewara, Z.; Bradley, T. F. Cass 2013
8 저널기사 The Ties that Bind? Intra-party Information Exchanges of German MPs in EU Multi-level Politics 미리보기
Wonka, A.; Rittberger, B. F. Cass 2014
9 저널기사 This time it was different? The salience of the Spitzenkandidaten system among European parties 미리보기
Braun, Daniela; Popa, Sebastian A. F. Cass 2018
10 저널기사 Ticket-splitting in mixed-member systems: on the importance of seat linkage between electoral tiers 미리보기
Riera, Pedro; Bol, Damien F. Cass 2017
11 저널기사 To adapt or to defend? Comparing position shifts among Bundestag candidates between 2013 and 2017 미리보기
Jankowski, Michael; Schneider, Sebastian H.; Tepe, Markus F. Cass 2019
12 저널기사 To adapt or to disregard? Parties' reactions to external shocks 미리보기
Calca, Patrícia; Gross, Martin F. Cass 2019
13 저널기사 Too much choice, too little impact: a multilevel analysis of the contextual determinants of preference voting 미리보기
André, Audrey; Depauw, Sam F. Cass 2017
14 저널기사 To Scrutinise or Not to Scrutinise? Explaining Variation in EU-Related Activities in National Parliaments 미리보기
Auel, K.; Rozenberg, O.; Tacea, A. F. Cass 2015
15 저널기사 total Public Debt and Growth in Developing Countries 미리보기
Presbitero, A.F. F. Cass 2012
16 저널기사 Towards parliamentarisation of foreign and security policy? 미리보기
Raunio, Tapio; Wagner, Wolfgang F. Cass 2017
17 저널기사 Trade, Employment and Horizontal Inequalities in New Order Indonesia 미리보기
Brown, G.K. F. Cass 2012
18 저널기사 Trade Policies and Ethnic Inequalities in Mexico 미리보기
Puyana, A.; Murillo, S. F. Cass 2012
19 저널기사 Trade Reforms and Horizontal Inequalities: The Case of Uganda 미리보기
Matovu, J.M. F. Cass 2012
20 저널기사 Transposition and National-Level Resources: Introducing the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive in Eastern Europe 미리보기
Vasev, N.; Vrangbaek, K. F. Cass 2014
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