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1 저널기사 Tax Burden, Regulations and Development of Service Sector in China 미리보기
Fang, Hongsheng; Yu, Linhui; Hong, Yuanshuang; Zhang, Jun M.E. Sharpe 2019
2 저널기사 Tax Revenue Trends in Latin America and Asia: A Comparative Analysis 미리보기
Aizenman, Joshua; Jinjarak, Yothin; Kim, Jungsuk; Park, Donghyun M.E. Sharpe 2019
3 저널기사 Technical Analysis as a Rational Tool of Decision Making for Professional Traders 미리보기
Kubińska, Elżbieta; Czupryna, Marcin; Markiewicz, Łukasz; Czekaj, Jan M.E. Sharpe 2016
4 저널기사 Technocratic Populism and Political Illiberalism in Central Europe 미리보기
Havlík, Vlastimil M.E. Sharpe 2019
5 저널기사 Technological Capacity, Product Position, and Firm Competitiveness 미리보기
Gao, Yanyan; Liu, Zhibiao; Song, Shunfeng; Zheng, Jianghuai M.E. Sharpe 2013
6 저널기사 Technological Catching Up, Quality of Exports, and Competitiveness: A Sectoral Perspective 미리보기
Cavallaro, Eleonora; Esposito, Piero; Matano, Alessia; Mulino, Marcella M.E. Sharpe 2013
7 저널기사 Term Limits of Public Officials, Environmental Regulations, and Sustainable Development: An Analysis Based on Empirical Spatial Econometrics 미리보기
Liu, Sheng; Tao, Feng; Zhang, Huiqin M.E. Sharpe 2017
8 저널기사 Testing the Conventional and Islamic Financial Market Contagion: Evidence from Wavelet Analysis 미리보기
Saiti, Buerhan; Bacha, Obiyathulla Ismath; Masih, Mansur M.E. Sharpe 2016
9 저널기사 TFP Growth and Commodity Prices in Emerging Economies 미리보기
Kataryniuk, Iván; Martínez-Martín, Jaime M.E. Sharpe 2019
10 저널기사 Theory and Practice on Lending Risk Control by the Government in the Song Dynasty 미리보기
Zhou, Jianbo; Wang, Ruixin; Zhou, Jiantao; Zhao, Yuheng M.E. Sharpe 2017
11 저널기사 The Third-Person Effect in Advertising: A Meta-Analysis 미리보기
Eisend, Martin M.E. Sharpe 2017
12 저널기사 The Transmission of Financial Shocks on a Global Scale: Some New Empirical Evidence 미리보기
Beaino, Georges-Charbel; Lombardi, Domenico; Siklos, Pierre L. M.E. Sharpe 2019
13 저널기사 The Trial of Bo Xilai: Court Proceedings, August 22, 2013: Editors' Introduction 미리보기
Tong, James W.; Lee, Bellette M. E. Sharpe] 2014
14 저널기사 The Trial of Bo Xilai (III): The Wang Zhenggang Embezzlement and Abuse of Power Charges, Court Proceedings, August 23-24, 2013 미리보기
Tong, James W.; Ha, Yiming M. E. Sharpe] 2014
15 저널기사 The Trial of Bo Xilai (II): The Bribery of Xu Ming, Court Proceedings, August 22-23, 2013 미리보기
Tong, James W.; Lee, Bellette M. E. Sharpe] 2014
16 저널기사 The Trial of Bo Xilai (IV): The Abuse of Power Charge and Debates on the Three Charges, Court Proceedings, August 25-26, 2013 미리보기
Tong, James W.; Ha, Yiming M. E. Sharpe] 2014
17 저널기사 The "Trump Factor" and the Changing Face of Globalization 미리보기
Yakovlev, Petr M.E. Sharpe 2017
18 저널기사 The Typicality and Accessibility of Consumer Attitudes Toward Television Advertising: Implications for the Measurement of Attitudes Toward Advertising in General 미리보기
Jin, H.S.; Lutz, R.J. M.E. Sharpe 2013
19 저널기사 Think Outside the Ad: Can Advertising Creativity Benefit More Than the Advertiser? 미리보기
Rosengren, S.; Dahlen, M.; Modig, E. M.E. Sharpe 2013
20 저널기사 Thoroughly Implement the Scientific Concept of Development, Make Efforts to Promote Leaping Advances and Long-Term Stability in Xinjiang 미리보기
unknown M. E. Sharpe] 2012
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