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221 저널기사 Tellurium in the "no-solvent" organic synthesis of allylic alcohols 미리보기
Xu, Q Pergamon Press 1980
222 저널기사 Tellurium-Zinc Exchange Reaction. A New Preparative Method of Alkenylzinc Reagents 미리보기
Terao, J Pergamon Press 1980
223 저널기사 Telluro-Directed Regiospecific and Highly Stereoselective Reaction of Ethyl 5-Telluro-(2E,4Z)-Pentadienoate with Organocopper Reagents 미리보기
Huang, Y.-Z Pergamon Press 1980
224 저널기사 Temperature and salinity trends in the upper waters of the Mediterranean Sea as determined from the MEDATLAS dataset/ 미리보기
Painter, S. C Pergamon Press 2003
225 저널기사 Temperature and salinity variability in the exit passages of the Indonesian Throughflow/ 미리보기
Sprintall, J Pergamon Press 2003
226 저널기사 Temperature and soot concentration in a high soot density flame 미리보기
Al-Nimr, M. A Pergamon Press 1980
227 저널기사 Temperature calculation in the thickness direction for composite of arbitrary layers 미리보기
Lee, X Pergamon Press 1997
228 저널기사 Temperature control on the incorporation of magnesium, strontium, fluorine, and cadmium into benthic foraminiferal shells from Little Bahama Bank: Prospects for thermocline paleoceanography 미리보기
Rosenthal, Y Pergamon Press 1980
229 저널기사 Temperature controls monthly variation in Ostracode valve Mg/Ca: Cypridopsis vidua from a small lake in Sonora, Mexico/ 미리보기
Palacios-Fest, Manuel R Pergamon Press 2001
230 저널기사 Temperature dependence of (+)-catechin pyran ring proton coupling constants as measured by NMR and modeled using GMMX search methodology 미리보기
Tobiason, F. L Pergamon Press 1980
231 저널기사 Temperature dependence of stress-lifetime fatigue curves/ 미리보기
Kohout, J Pergamon Press 2000
232 저널기사 Temperature dependency of long-chain alkenone distributions in recent to fossil limnic sediments and in lake waters/ 미리보기
Zink, Klaus-G Pergamon Press 2001
233 저널기사 Temperature-dependent oxygen and carbon isotope fractionations of biogenic siderite/ 미리보기
Zhang, Chuanlun L Pergamon Press 2001
234 저널기사 Temperature distributions in an absorbing-emitting-scattering semitransparent slab with variable spatial refractive index/ 미리보기
Liu, L. H Pergamon Press 2003
235 저널기사 Temperature excursions in reactors packed with segregated layers of catalyst and inert solids/ 미리보기
Jaree, Attasak Pergamon Press 2001
236 저널기사 Temperature independent thermal expansivities of sodium aluminosilicate melts between 713 and 1835 K 미리보기
Lange, R. A Pergamon Press 1980
237 저널기사 Temperature inversion in the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman 미리보기
Sultan, S. A. R Pergamon Press 1980
238 저널기사 Temperature measurements by CARS and intrusive probe in an air-hydrogen supersonic combustion/ 미리보기
Magre, P Pergamon Press 2001
239 저널기사 Temperature oscillation calorimetry in stirred tank reactors 미리보기
Tietze, A Pergamon Press 1980
240 저널기사 Temperature profile in countercurrent/cocurrent spray towers/ 미리보기
Makkinejad, N Pergamon Press 2001
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