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A thermal and microscopic investigation into the formation of multilamellar liposomes
Morris, R. M
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Targetting of hyaluronan to tumours
Gustafson, S
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Tazocin clearance by an in-vitro model of haemofiltration quantified using a new HPLC method
Phillips, G. J
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
4 |
Terbutaline transdermal delivery: preformulation studies and limitationsof in-vitro predictive parameters
Tenjarla, S. N
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Terpene penetration enhancers in propylene glycol/water co-solvent systems: effectiveness and mechanism of action
Yamane, M. A
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Textural properties of sequential interpenetrating gel networks of poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate) and poly(acrylic acid)
Jones, D. S
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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The treatment of malaria with iron chelators
Hider, R. C
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Time-dependent densification behaviour of cyclodextrins
Munoz-Ruiz, A
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Tolerance to the CNS depressant action of aminoglutethimide
Nicholls, P. J
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Towards malaria prophylaxis by transdermal delivery of some antimalarialdrugs
Kee, W. J
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Toxicodynamic analysis of cardiac effects induced by four cholinesteraseinhibitors in rats
Yamamoto, K
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Toxicological Effects of Teucrium stocksianum after Acute and Chronic Administration in Rats
Tanira, M. O. M
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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TPA-induced translocation of protein kinase C �1- and �2-isotypes of human monocytes
Mallam, V
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Transdermal drug delivery from oestradiol eutectic formulations
Stott, P. W
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Transient relaxation of plasmid DNA in Escherichia coli by fluoroquinolones
Matsuo, M
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Translocation of the �1 isotype of protein kinase C in human platelets by phorbol esters
Kew, J. M
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Transport and metabolic pathway of thymocartin (TP4) in excised bovine nasal mucosa
Lang, S
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Trends and Future Perspectives in Peptide and Protein Drug Delivery
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Trifluoperazine is more effective than chlorpromazine in releasing oxygen from haemoglobin and myoglobin
Bhattacharyya, J
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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Turning drugs into efficient medicines: the need for high functionality excipients and the role of physicochemical research in providing them
Staniforth, J. N
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain