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181 저널기사 A Tandem Epoxide Isomerization-Aldol Condensation Process Catalyzed by Palladium Acetate-Tributylphosphine 미리보기
Kim, J.-H American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
182 저널기사 A Tandem Horner-Emmons Olefination-Conjugate Addition Approach to the Synthesis of 1,5-Disubstituted-6-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octanes Based on the AE Ring Structure of the Norditerpenoid Alkaloid Methyllycaconitine 미리보기
Callis, D. J American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
183 저널기사 A tandem mechanism of charge-carrier photogeneration in disordered organic materials/ 미리보기
Arkhipov, V I North Holland 2001
184 저널기사 A Tangled Tale of Training and Talent: PhDs in Institutional Asset Management 미리보기
Chaudhuri, Ranadeb; Ivković, Zoran; Pollet, Joshua; Trzcinka, Charles Institute of Management Sciences] 2020
185 저널기사 A tangled web 미리보기
Cameron, M. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
186 저널기사 A Tangled Web: Internet-based software is growing in popularity, but FDA-regulated organizations should beware before tapping into this technology 미리보기
Dougherty, J.; Lengel, W. American Society for Quality Control 2012
187 저널기사 A tangled Web of libel lies? 미리보기
Pounder, D. C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
188 저널기사 A Tangled Web of Principals and Agents: Examining the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill through a Principal-Agent Lens 미리보기
189 저널기사 A tangle of fractal fibers as a new state of substance / 미리보기
Smirnov, B,M 1991
190 저널기사 A Tapestry of African Histories: with longer times and wider geopolitics edited by Nicholas K. Githuku Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. Pp. 408. $125 (hbk). 미리보기
Waliu Ismaila Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2022
191 저널기사 A TaqI polymorphism at the porcine arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase (ALOX12)locus 미리보기
Coscelli, M. B Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group 1997
192 저널기사 A TaqI Restiction Length Polymorphism in the Bovine Calpastatin Gene 미리보기
Cockett, N. E American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1995
193 저널기사 A Targeted Disruption of the Murine Complement Factor B Gene Resulting in Loss of Expression of Three Genes in Close Proximity, Factor B, C2, andD17H6S45 미리보기
Taylor, P. R American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
194 저널기사 A Targeted Mutation at the T-Cell Receptor ��Locus Impairs T-Cell Development and Reveals the Presence of the Nearby Antiapoptosis Gene Dad1 미리보기
Hong, N. A American Society for Microbiology 1980
195 저널기사 A targeted mutation in the murine gene encoding the high density lipoprotein (HDL) receptor scavenger receptor class B type I reveals its key role in HDL metabolism 미리보기
Rigotti, A National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
196 저널기사 A targeted mutation of the D~3 dopamine receptor gene is associated withhyperactivity in mice 미리보기
Accili, D National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
197 저널기사 A targeted policy approach to inducing improved rates of conservation compliance in agriculture 미리보기
Stonehouse, D. P Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 1996
198 저널기사 A targeted policy approach to inducing improved rates of conservation compliance in agriculture 미리보기
Stonehouse, D. P. unknown 1996
199 저널기사 A targeting-and-extracting technique to enhance hearing in the presence of competing speech 미리보기
Liu, C American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
200 저널기사 A Target of Opportunity: Creation of the LOUIS Network 미리보기
Cargill, J. PIERIAN PRESS 1995
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