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201 저널기사 A target of opportunity: Creation of the LOUIS network 미리보기
Cargill, Jennifer Pierian Press 1995
202 저널기사 A target's perspective on the effects of ATPs in takeovers after recognizing its choice in the process 미리보기
Goktan, M. S.; Kieschnick, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
203 저널기사 A Tariff Substitute for Rules of Origin in Free Trade Areas 미리보기
204 저널기사 A task duplication scheme for resolving deadlocks in clustered DAGs/ 미리보기
Arafeh, B. R North-Holland 2003
205 저널기사 A Task-Level Assessment of Job Satisfaction 미리보기
Taber, T. D. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1995
206 저널기사 A task-oriented study on the influencing effects of query-biased summarisation in web searching/ 미리보기
White, R. W Pergamon Press 2003
207 저널기사 A TASTE FOR BUBBLY 미리보기
Vora, Shivani Time, inc., etc.] 2016
208 저널기사 A Taste for Success : Food halls are the next step in the evolution of food retail 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2018
209 저널기사 A TASTE OF FREEDOM Burma's Guarded Optimism 미리보기
Kulczuga, A. American Peace Society 2013
210 저널기사 A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Examining the Admissibility of Experts' Prior Malpractice Under the Federal Rules of Evidence 미리보기
Henson, Nell Vanderbilt University School of Law 2018
211 저널기사 A tattooed butterfly as a vector of atypical Mycobacteria/ 미리보기
Wolf, R C. V. Mosby] 2003
212 저널기사 A Tattoo Won't Hurt Your Job Prospects 미리보기
unknown Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2018
213 저널기사 A Taxane-11,12-Oxide from Taxus Yunnanensis 미리보기
Yue, Q Pergamon Press 1996
214 저널기사 A Taxane Epoxide from Taxus Wallichiana 미리보기
Barboni, L Pergamon Press 1997
215 저널기사 A Tax-Based Motive for the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings 미리보기
Reside, M. A. JOHN WILEY & SONS 1994
216 저널기사 A Tax-Based Test for Nominal Rigidities. 미리보기
Poterba James M. ; Rotemberg Julio J. ; Summers Lawrence H. American Economic Assonication
217 저널기사 A Tax-Based Test of the Dividend Signaling Hypothesis 미리보기
218 저널기사 A tax by any other name? Conceptions of taxation and implications for research 미리보기
Ane Karoline Bak ; Vanessa van den Boogaard Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2023
219 저널기사 A tax called Google: The OECD's Pascal St Amans interviewed. Has the Plan to put a stop to multinational tax dodges been hit by friendly fire? 미리보기
MARK, PHILLIPS Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 2015
220 저널기사 A Tax Competition Analysis of Congestible Public Inputs 미리보기
Matsumoto, M. ACADEMIC PRESS INC 2000
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