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401 저널기사 A temperature- and size-dependent model of sand shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa) predation on juvenile winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)/ 미리보기
Taylor, D. L National Research Council Canada 2003
402 저널기사 A temperature-dependent morphological mutant of tobacco 미리보기
Samuelsen, A. I Springer-Verlag 1980
403 저널기사 A temperature-dependent pre-exponential factor in Efros-Shklovskii variable range hopping conduction in p-type CuInTe2/ 미리보기
Bonalde, I.; Oentrich, R.; Quiroga, C. Marin, G. Medina D., E.; Wasim, S. M.; North-Holland 2003
404 저널기사 A temperature-dependent study of the magnetic surface states on Ni(100) using angle-resolved photoemission 미리보기
Cai, Y. Q North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
405 저널기사 A temperature of maximum density in soft sticky dipole water 미리보기
Tan, M. L North Holland 2003
cvetanovic>, R.J M. Dekker. 1973
407 저널기사 A temperature relaxation method for the measurement of the specific heat of solids at room temperature in student laboratories/ 미리보기
Marin, E Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 2003
408 저널기사 A Temperature-Responsive Biopolymer for Mercury Remediation/ 미리보기
Kostal, J American Chemical Society 2003
409 저널기사 A temperature-sensitive splicing mutation in the bimG gene of Aspergillus produces an N-terminal fragment which interferes with type I protein phosphatase function 미리보기
Hughes, M Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
410 저널기사 A Temperature Study of the Ionic Conductivity of a Hybrid Polymer Electrolyte 미리보기
Olsen, I. I Electrochemical Society 1980
411 저널기사 A temperature-tolerant interstitial worm with associated epibiotic bacteria from the shallow water fumaroles of Deception Island, Antarctica/ 미리보기
Bright, M Pergamon Press 2003
412 저널기사 A temperature wall function formulation for variable- density turbulent flows with application to engine convective heat transfer modeling 미리보기
Han, Z Pergamon Press 1980
413 저널기사 A temperature window of reduced flow resistance in polyethylene with implications for melt flow rheology: 3. Implications for flow instabilities and extrudate distortion 미리보기
Kolnaar, J. W. H Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1997
414 저널기사 A Tempered Liberalism: Political Ethics and Ethos in Reinhold Niebuhr's Thought 미리보기
Joshua L. Cherniss University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press 2016
415 저널기사 A template approach for coupling virtual reality and CAD in an immersive car interior design scenario 미리보기
Meyrueis, V.; Paljic, A.; Leroy, L.; Fuchs, P. Inderscience Enterprises 2013
416 저널기사 A Template for Accelerating the Development of Self-Managed Work Teams 미리보기
Carroll, Bob Executive Enterprises 1999
417 저널기사 A Template for a Public Credit Rating Agency 미리보기
Schroeder, S. Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 2013
418 저널기사 A template for change and response to work hour restrictions/ 미리보기
Mendoza, K. A Louis F. LeJacq 1900
419 저널기사 A template for conducting qualitative sales research in the Middle East 미리보기
NTC Publications Ltd 2023
420 저널기사 A Template for Generation and Comparison of Three-Dimensional Selectin Models 미리보기
Bajorath, J Academic Press 1980
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