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54921 저널기사 Two Ideas for Welding Shops : 미리보기
Land 1982
54922 저널기사 Two Ideas for Welding Shops : 미리보기
Wunderlich 1982
54923 저널기사 Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money. 미리보기
Lucas Jr. Robert E. American Economic Assonication
54924 저널기사 Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money: Breakdowns and Revivals 미리보기
Sargent, T.J.; Surico, P. American Economic Association 2011
54925 저널기사 Two Images of Oblivion 미리보기
Streckfus, P. The Republic Pub. Co 2014
54926 저널기사 Two Improvements on the Clinton Framework 미리보기
54927 저널기사 Two-Inch and Four-Inch Food Cooling in a Commercial Walk-In Refrigerator 미리보기
Snyder, O. P International Association of Milk, Food, and Environmental Sanitarians 1980
54928 저널기사 Two-incision technique for rotational acetabular osteotomy: Good outcome in 35 hips/ 미리보기
Pajarinen, J Munksgaard 1900
54929 저널기사 Two Inconsistent Behavioral Biases 미리보기
J. Livnat ; D. Pei ; D. Segal Institutional Investor, Inc 2022
54930 저널기사 Two independent and polarized processes of cell elongation regulate leafblade expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh 미리보기
Tsuge, T Company of Biologists 1980
54931 저널기사 Two independent biochemical pathways for isopentenyl diphosphate and isoprenoid biosynthesis in higher plants 미리보기
Lichtenthaler, H. K Munksgaard 1997
54932 저널기사 Two independent domains of hDlg are sufficient for subcellular targeting: The PDZ1-2 conformational unit and an alternatively spliced domain 미리보기
Lue, R. A Rockefeller University Press 1980
54933 저널기사 Two independent forecasts of the U.S. economy’s turnaround period from the current `Great Recession' 미리보기
Parker, B. R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
54934 저널기사 Two independent gene loci controlling non-brittle pedicels in buckwheat/ 미리보기
Matsui, K M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2003
54935 저널기사 Two independent nuclear localization signals are present in the DNA-binding high-mobility group domains of SRY and SOX9 미리보기
Suedbeck, P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
54936 저널기사 Two independent pathways of maternal cell transmission to offspring: through placenta during pregnancy and by breast-feeding after birth/ 미리보기
Zhou, L Blackwell Scientific Publications 2001
54937 저널기사 Two independent regions of human telomerase reverse transcriptase are important for its oligomerization and telomerase activity 미리보기
Arai, K.; Masutomi, K.; Khurts, S.; Kaneko, S.; Kobayashi, K.; Murakami, S. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
54938 저널기사 Two-index generalizations of superconformal algebras 미리보기
Fairlie, D. B The Institute of Physics 1980
54939 저널기사 TWO INDIRECT ADDITIVE clearances broadened Under orders 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1985
54940 저널기사 Two infinite series of E-optimal nested row-column designs 미리보기
Bagchi, S North-Holland 1980
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