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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
55001 저널기사 Two lemmas that changed general equilibrium theory 미리보기
Florenzano, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2009
55002 저널기사 Two-level controllers hierarchy for a scalable and distributed multicast security protocol 미리보기
Aslan, H. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
55003 저널기사 Two-Level Games and the Policy Process: Assessing Domestic–Foreign Policy Linkage Theory 미리보기
Harry Noone American Peace Society 2019
55004 저널기사 Two-level games and trade cooperation: What do we now know? 미리보기
da Conceicao-Heldt, E. Kluwer Law International 2013
55005 저널기사 Two-level Ising-like model for spin-crossover phenomenon including the magnetic field effect: the mean-field approximation and Monte Carlo resolutions/ 미리보기
Consejo, C Pergamon Press 2003
55006 저널기사 Two-level linear paired comparison models: estimation and identifiability issues 미리보기
Tsai, R. C.; Bockenholt, U. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
55007 저널기사 Two-Level Linear Programming 미리보기
Wayne F. Bialas ; Mark H. Karwan I N F O R M S
55008 저널기사 Two-level lot-sizing with raw-material perishability and deterioration 미리보기
Acevedo-Ojeda, Andrés; Contreras, Ivan; Chen, Mingyuan Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2020
55009 저널기사 Two level multiobjective approach to structural optimization = 미리보기
박병휘 忠南大學校 工業敎育硏究所 1994
55010 저널기사 Two-level Schwarz methods for Wilson element approximation of elasticityproblem 미리보기
Xu, X North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
55011 저널기사 Two levels model for the optimal integration of freight transportation between intra- and inter-islands in the Indonesian archipelago 미리보기
Kuncoro Harto Widodo; Yandra Rahadian Perdana; Joewono Soemardjito; Hendra Edi Gunawan; Iwan Puja Riyadi; Dwi Ardianta Kurniawan Inderscience Publishers 2022
55012 저널기사 Two Levels of Help for B Cell Alloantibody Production 미리보기
Steele, D. J. R Rockefeller University Press 1980
55013 저널기사 Two-Level System Dynamics in the Long-Time Limit: A Power-Law Time Dependence 미리보기
Maier, H American Physical Society 1980
55014 저널기사 Two-level system in a one-mode quantum field: numerical solution on the basis of the operator method 미리보기
Feranchuck, I. D The Institute of Physics 1980
55015 저널기사 Two-level time-marching scheme using splines for solving the advection equation/ 미리보기
Nguyen, Khoi Pergamon 2001
55016 저널기사 Two-level ultimatum bargaining with incomplete information: An 미리보기
Guth, Werner Macmillan 1996
55017 저널기사 Two-level Ultimatum Bargaining with Incomplete Information: An Experimental Study 미리보기
W. GUTH;S. HUCK;P. OCKENFELS unknown 1996
55018 저널기사 Two lignan dimers from bamboo stems (Phyllostachys edulis)/ 미리보기
Suga, A Pergamon Press 2003
55019 저널기사 Two Little Words: Income and Profits 미리보기
Johnson, Trevor Tax Analysts 2015
55020 저널기사 Two Lives on the Left 미리보기
Cohen, Esther Monthly Review Foundation 2018
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