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55061 저널기사 Two male-killing Wolbachia strains coexist within a population of the butterfly Acraea encedon/ 미리보기
Jiggins, Francis M Oliver and Boyd 2001
55062 저널기사 Two malonylated anthocyanidin glycosides in Ranunculus asiaticus 미리보기
Toki, K Pergamon Press 1996
55063 저널기사 Two Mammalian Longevity Assurance Gene (LAG1) Family Members, trh1 and trh4, Regulate Dihydroceramide Synthesis Using Different Fatty Acyl-CoA Donors/ 미리보기
Riebeling, C American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
55064 저널기사 Two mass-losing carbon stars in the Galactic halo 미리보기
Groenewegen, M. A. T Priestley and Weale 1980
55065 저널기사 Two mcm3 mutations affect different steps in the initiation of DNA replication 미리보기
Lei, M.; Cheng, I. H.; Roberts, L. A.; McAlear, M. A.; Tye, B. K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
55066 저널기사 Two measurement techniques for determining effective stress intensity factors/ 미리보기
Wong, S L Pergamon Press 2000
55067 저널기사 Two Mechanisms and a Scaling Relation for Dynamics in Ferrofluids 미리보기
Zhang, J American Physical Society 1980
55068 저널기사 Two mechanisms of quantized calcium release in skeletal muscle 미리보기
Klein, M. G Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
55069 저널기사 Two mechanisms of the negative-effective-mass instability in p-type quantum well-based ballistic p+pp+-diodes: Simulations with a load/ 미리보기
Bashirov, R R American Institute of Physics 2000
55070 저널기사 Two Men and Music: Nationalism in the Making of an Indian Classical Tradition by Janaki Bakhle 미리보기
SUBRAMANIAN, L. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2007
55071 저널기사 Two Men Indicted in Forgeries Of CPAs' Signatures on Opinions. 미리보기
Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
55072 저널기사 Two MerR homologues that affect copper induction of the Bacillus subtilis copZA operon/ 미리보기
Gaballa, A Society for General Microbiology 2003
55073 저널기사 Two-metal ion mechanism of RNA cleavage by HIV RNase H and mechanism-based design of selective HIV RNase H inhibitors/ 미리보기
Klumpp, K Information Retrieval Limited 1900
55074 저널기사 Two methods for encoding clusters/ 미리보기
Courrieu, Pierre Pergamon 2001
55075 저널기사 Two methods for predicting the multiaxial fatigue limits of sharp notches/ 미리보기
SUSMEL, L Pergamon Press 2003
55076 저널기사 Two Methods for Study of Group Behavior / 미리보기
Stafford, Linda Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
55077 저널기사 Two methods for the preparation of 2-cyclohexenones from resin-bound 1,3-cyclohexanedione 미리보기
Fraley, M. E Pergamon Press 1980
55078 저널기사 Two methods for the speciation analysis of mercury in fish involving microwave-assisted digestion and gas chromatography-atomic emission spectrometry 미리보기
Gerbersmann, C Elsevier Pub. Co 1997
55079 저널기사 Two methods for valuing convertible bonds - a comparison 미리보기
Soerensson, T. Pergamon Press 1992
55080 저널기사 Two methods of expanding the measurement abilities of a four-circle diffractometer 미리보기
Steinborn, T Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
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