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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
55781 저널기사 Two thousand years of atmospheric arsenic, antimony, and lead depositionrecorded in an ombrotrophic peat bog profile, Jura Mountains, Switzerland 미리보기
Shotyk, W North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
55782 저널기사 Two Thousand Years of Natural Products Research- Past, Present and Future - T.J.C. Luijendijk (Ed.), Phytoconsult Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2000, 295 pp., ISBN 90-805866-1-2, 130 NGL/ 미리보기
Harborne, Jeffrey B Pergamon Press 2001
55783 저널기사 Two-tier charging strategies in public hospitals: Implications for intra-hospital resource allocation and equity of access to hospital services 미리보기
McPake, B.; Hanson, K.; Adam, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
55784 저널기사 Two-tier Co-operative Credit Structure in Manipur: An Overview 미리보기
Janee Yumlembam;Ram Singh;S. M. Feroze New Delhi Publishers 2015
55785 저널기사 Two-tiered entrepreneurship and economic development 미리보기
Leeson, P. T.; Boettke, P. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
55786 저널기사 Two-Tier Land Tenure System and Sustained Economic Growth in Post-1978 Rural China 미리보기
55787 저널기사 Two-Tier on Hold 미리보기
Miller Pub. Co.] 1991
55788 저널기사 Two-tier public provision: Comparing public systems 미리보기
Lulfesmann, C.; Myers, G. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
55789 저널기사 Two Tier Reforms of Employment Protection: a Honeymoon Effect? 미리보기
Boeri, T.; Garibaldi, P. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
55790 저널기사 Two-Tier Store Brands: The Benefic Impact of a Value Brand on Perceptions of a Premium Brand 미리보기
Palmeira, M. M.; Thomas, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
55791 저널기사 Two-time physics with gravitational and gauge field backgrounds (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Bars, Itzhak Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
55792 저널기사 Two-Time-Scale Relaxation Towards Thermal Equilibrium of the Enigmatic Piston/ 미리보기
Gruber, C. Pache, S.; Lesne, A. Plenum Press 2003
55793 저널기사 Two-Time Window and Multiangle Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Size and Zeta Potential Analysis -- Highly Sensitive Rapid Assay for Dispersion Stability - Published online 29 August 2000/ 미리보기
Thode, Kai American Pharmaceutical Association 2000
55794 저널기사 Two Toc34 Homologues with Different Properties/ 미리보기
Jelic, M American Chemical Society 2003
55795 저널기사 Two-tone rate suppression boundaries of cochlear ganglion neurons in chickens following acoustic trauma 미리보기
Chen, L American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
55796 저널기사 Two-tone rate suppression boundaries of cochlear ganglion neurons in normal chickens 미리보기
Chen, L American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
55797 저널기사 Two-tone suppression in cochlear mechanics 미리보기
Cooper, N. P American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
55798 저널기사 Two-tone suppression of basilar membrane vibrations in the base of the guinea pig cochlea using "low-side" suppressors 미리보기
Geisler, C. D American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
55799 저널기사 Two to tangle: Financial development, political instability and economic growth in Argentina 미리보기
Campos, N. F.; Karanasos, M. G.; Tan, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
55800 저널기사 Two to tango For Argentina's two biggest intermodal rail providers for containers, ALL and NCA, logistics services are providing good growth opportunities 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2005
맨앞 이전 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 다음 맨뒤
