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55801 저널기사 Two to Tango? Gender Differences in the Decisions to Publish and Coauthor 미리보기
McDowell, J. M.; Singell, L. D.; Stater, M. Oxford University Press 2006
55802 저널기사 Two-to-Tango in Migration Diplomacy: Negotiating Readmission Agreement between the EU and Turkey 미리보기
Icduygu, A.; Aksel, D.B. Martinus Nijhoff Pub 2014
55803 저널기사 Two-to-three dimensional transition by magnetic field on weak localization phenomena for tilted magneto-conductance in In2O3-x films/ 미리보기
Hatta, N North-Holland 2001
55804 저널기사 Two- to three-dimensional transition during growth and surface alloy formation of Mn on Pd(100) (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Jaworowski, A J 2001
55805 저널기사 Two Towns in Germany: Commerce and the Urban Transformation by Norbert Dannhaeuser 미리보기
Shanley, M University of Chicago Press 1980
55806 저널기사 Two Traditions 미리보기
McCormack, Win The Republic Pub. Co 2019
55807 저널기사 Two Traditions of Liberalism A review of The Anglo-American Tradition of Liberty: A View from Europe by João Carlos Espada 미리보기
Nichols, James H. National Endowment for Democracy 2017
55808 저널기사 Two Transcription Factors, Gln3p and Nillp, Use the Same GATAAG Sites ToActivate the Expression of GAP1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 미리보기
Stanbrough, M American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
55809 저널기사 Two transcription factors related with the eucaryal transcription factors TATA-binding protein and transcription factor IIB direct promoter recognition by an Archaeal RNA polymerase 미리보기
Hausner, W American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
55810 저널기사 Two transcripts, differing at their 3' ends, are produced from the Candida albicans SEC14 gene 미리보기
Riggle, P. J Society for General Microbiology 1980
55811 저널기사 Two Transcripts with Different Sizes Derived from a Rice Homeobox Gene, OSH1 미리보기
Tamaoki, M Academic Press 1980
55812 저널기사 Two Translators: Gramsci and Sraffa 미리보기
Ginzburg, A. Published for the Cambridge Political Economy Society by Academic Press 2015
55813 저널기사 Two Trans-sialidase Forms with Different Sialic Acid Transfer and Sialidase Activities from Trypanosoma congolense/ 미리보기
Tiralongo, E American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
55814 저널기사 Two Trees with Heterogeneous Beliefs: Spillover Effect of Disagreement 미리보기
Han B, Lu L, Zhou Y University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2019
Collins, Barry E Guilford Press 2001
55816 저널기사 Two trends of sample dispersion variation with carrier flow rate in a single flow-injection manifold 미리보기
Li, Y Pergamon Press 1980
55817 저널기사 Two triacylated and tetraglucosylated anthocyanins from Ipomoea asarifolia flowers/ 미리보기
Pale, E Pergamon Press 2003
55818 저널기사 Two Tributes to David Rosenberg 미리보기
Tomkins, C.;Wildavsky, A. Pergamon Press 1985
55819 저널기사 Two Tripartite Economic Torts 미리보기
Ong, B. Sweet & Maxwell 2008
55820 저널기사 Two types of anti-progestins have distinct effects on site-specific phosphorylation of human progesterone receptor 미리보기
Beck, C. A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
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