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검색어[가나다ABC : T]
56,401건 중 56,401건 출력
2792/2821 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
55821 저널기사 Two types of attractive research: Cute research and beautiful research 미리보기
Park, C. W. Elsevier Science B.V; Amsterdam 2012
55822 저널기사 Two Types of Bureaucracy: Enabling and Coercive 미리보기
55823 저널기사 Two Types of Bureaucracy: Enabling and Coercive 미리보기
Adler, P. S Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University] 1980
55824 저널기사 Two types of bureaucracy: Enabling and coercive 미리보기
Adler, Paul S Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University 1996
55825 저널기사 Two Types of Factors: A Return Decomposition for Factor Portfolios 미리보기
Kushner, Joseph Institutional Investor, Inc 2017
55826 저널기사 Two types of ferrochelatase in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic tissues of cucumber. Their difference in phylogeny, gene expression, and localization 미리보기
Suzuki, T.; Masuda, T.; Singh, D. P.; Tan, F.-C.; Tsuchiya, T.; Shimada, H.; Ohta, H.; Smith, A. G.; Takamiya, K.-i. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
55827 저널기사 Two types of homologous DNA pairing activities recealed in rat spermatocyte nuclei; partial purification and characterization / 미리보기
Namsaraev, E.V Nauka 1994
55828 저널기사 Two types of intramolecular homolytic substitution reactions at group XIV atoms: unusual radical 1,4-Sn shifts from Si to C and carbonylative S~1~1i reaction at Si/ 미리보기
Studer, A Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
55829 저널기사 Two types of ion energy dispersions observed in the nightside auroral regions during geomagnetically disturbed periods 미리보기
Hirahara, M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
55830 저널기사 Two Types of Language Bias in Word of Mouth 미리보기
Schellekens, G.A.C.; Verlegh, P.W.J.; Smidts, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
55831 저널기사 Two Types of Language Bias in Word of Mouth 미리보기
Schellekens, G.A.C.; Verlegh, P.W.J.; Smidts, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
55832 저널기사 Two Types of Liberal Perfectionism 미리보기
BIONDO, F. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
55833 저널기사 Two Types of Microsomal Prostaglandin E Synthase: Glutathione-Dependent and -Independent Prostaglandin E Synthases 미리보기
Watanabe, K Academic Press 1980
55834 저널기사 Two Types of Monetarism. 미리보기
Hoover Kevin D American Economic Assonication
55835 저널기사 Two types of new Lie algebras and corresponding hierarchies of evolution equations/ 미리보기
Zhang, Y North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
55836 저널기사 Two Types of Nonlinear Pressure-Drop Versus Flow-Rate Relation Observed for Saturated Porous Media 미리보기
Lage, J. L American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
55837 저널기사 Two Types of Novel Dipeptidyl Aminopeptidases from Pseudomonas sp. Strain WO24 미리보기
Ogasawara, W American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
55838 저널기사 Two Types of Oxidative Dimerization of the Black Tea Polyphenol Theaflavin/ 미리보기
Tanaka, T American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2001
55839 저널기사 Two types of phantom scatter correction factors (S~p) for high-energy photons 미리보기
Iwasaki, A Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
55840 저널기사 Two Types of Quasiparticles Excited in a Bose Gas/ 미리보기
Minasyan, V. N American Physical Society 2003
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