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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
56021 저널기사 Type and Location of SS Linkages in Human Hair and Their Relation to Fiber Properties in Water 미리보기
Naito, S Wiley 1996
56022 저널기사 Type and Screen Completion for Scheduled Surgical Procedures: A College of American Pathologists Q-Probes Study of 8941 Type and Screen Tests in 108 Institutions/ 미리보기
Friedberg, R. C American Medical Association 2003
56023 저널기사 Type and size of project influences on number of bidders for maintenance and operation projects in Saudi Arabia 미리보기
56024 저널기사 Type and structure of multinational strategic alliances 미리보기
Mockler, R. J.;Dologite, D. G.;Carnevali, N. M. unknown 1997
56025 저널기사 Type and Timing of Mothers' Victimization: Effects on Mothers and Children/ 미리보기
Dubowitz, Howard 2001
56026 저널기사 Type A Vital Hepatitis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Prevention 미리보기
Lemon, S. M American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
56027 저널기사 TYPE B ANIMAL FEED retrospective data requirements ruled out Three animal drugs to be barred from feed use : Bixler 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1986
56028 저널기사 TYPE B FEED products analytical variations concern industry 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1986
56029 저널기사 TYPE B MEDICATED FEED definition clarified by FDA's Graber 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
56030 저널기사 Type C botulism in cattle in association with a botulism die-off in waterfowl in Saskatchewan 미리보기
Wobeser, G Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 1980
56031 저널기사 Type conversion in irradiated silicon diodes 미리보기
Taylor, S. J American Institute of Physics 1980
56032 저널기사 Type C virus : 미리보기
56033 저널기사 Type C virus 미리보기
Todaro Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
56034 저널기사 Type C viruses 미리보기
Gelb Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
56035 저널기사 Type Differential Equations with Variable Domain 미리보기
Bernardi, M. L Academic Press 1980
56036 저널기사 TYPE E BOTULINUM in vacuum-packaged fish to be studied by FDA 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1986
56037 저널기사 Type F Reorganizations and the Impact of the JOBCO Manufacturing Company Decision 미리보기
Englebrecht, T. D. CPA JOURNAL 1994
56038 저널기사 Type-h thioredoxins accumulate in the nucleus of developing wheat seed tissues suffering oxidative stress/ 미리보기
Serrato, A. J Springer-Verlag 2003
56039 저널기사 Type I A-Kinase Is Activated by Platelet-Derived Growth Factor in Mesangial Cells 미리보기
Throckmorton, D. C Academic Press 1980
56040 저널기사 Type I and type II errors exist in public health practice too/ 미리보기
Ashton, J. R British Medical Association 2003
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