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56101 저널기사 Type of Information Processing in Judging Utilitarian and Expressive Product Attributes 미리보기
Creusen, M.; Schoormans, J. Association for Consumer Research 2001
56102 저널기사 Type of KR and KR Frequency Effects on Motor Learning / 미리보기
Wulf, G 1996
56103 저널기사 Type of repeat visitors most sensitive to micro-trader harassment 미리보기
Nicely, Annmarie; Armadita, Filza Channel View Books 2020
56104 저널기사 Type of Social Support Among Homeless Women: Its Impact on Psychosocial Resources, Health and Health Behaviors, and Use of Health Services/ 미리보기
Nyamathi, Adeline American Journal of Nursing Co.] 1900
56105 저널기사 Type of Urethroplasty for Pelvic Fracture Urethral Distraction Defect Cannot be Predicted Preoperatively/ 미리보기
Andrich, D. E American Urological Association Inc 2003
56106 저널기사 Type of Work Matters: Women's Labor Force Participation and the Child Sex Ratio in Turkey 미리보기
Berik, G. 00 2000
56107 저널기사 Type-O T duality and the tachyon coupling (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Meessen, Patrick Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
56108 저널기사 Types and components of resistance to Fusarium head blight of wheat 미리보기
Mesterhazy, A P. Parey 1995
56109 저널기사 Types and dimensions of organization-public relationships in greater China 미리보기
Hung, C. j.; Chen, Y. R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
56110 저널기사 Types and effectiveness of treatments used by people with chronic pain associated with spinal cord injuries: influence of pain and psychosocial characteristics/ 미리보기
Widerstrom-Noga, E. G Stockton Press 2003
56111 저널기사 Types and functions of social relationships in the organizing of an international joint venture 미리보기
Mainela, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
56112 저널기사 Types and patterns: an experimental East-West-German comparison of cooperation and solidarity 미리보기
Ockenfels, A. ELSEVIER 1999
56113 저널기사 Types and patters: An experimental East-West-German comparison of cooperation and solidarity 미리보기
Ockenfels, Axel North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
56114 저널기사 Types and Scales of Enterprises Being Run by the Women Entrepreneurs of Self-help Groups in Andhra Pradesh 미리보기
G.K. Siddeswari;P.V. Sathya Gopal;V. Sailaja;B. Ravindra Reddy New Delhi Publishers 2020
56115 저널기사 Types and Timing of Inter-organizational Communication in New Product Development 미리보기
Hummel, M.; Van Rossum, W.; Omta, O.; Verkerke, G.; Rakhorst, G. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2001
56116 저널기사 Types and Tokens in Visual Processing: A Double Dissociation Between theAttentional Blink and Repetition Blindness 미리보기
Chun, M. M American Psychological Association 1980
56117 저널기사 Types and Tokens Unscathed: A Reply to Whittlesea, Dorken, and Podrouzek(1995) and Whittlesea and Podrouzek (1995) 미리보기
Downing, P American Psychological Association 1980
56118 저널기사 Types and Tokens: Unscathed or Unscathable? Reply to Downing and Kanwisher (1995 미리보기
Whittlesea, B. W. A American Psychological Association 1980
56119 저널기사 Type-sequences of modules/ 미리보기
Oneto, A 2001
56120 저널기사 Types, frequencies, and risk factors for complications after third molar extraction/ 미리보기
Bui, C. H American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2003
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