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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
Simpler, Sister Agnus Therese American Medical Association 1956
56162 저널기사 Typhoid Typing in the Western States / 미리보기
Lazarus, Alfred S 1941
56163 저널기사 Typhoid Vaccine Studies : 미리보기
Longfellow, Don 1940
56164 저널기사 Typhoon Evacuation in Wenzhou, China: A Preliminary Analysis of Progress and the Remaining Challenges 미리보기
Lu, X. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
56165 저널기사 Typhoon Haiyan and the Philippines Stress test 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
56166 저널기사 Typhoon Haiyan The winds of change 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
56167 저널기사 Typhoon Haiyan Worse than hell 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
56168 저널기사 Typical Faults of Air-Conditioning Systems and Fault Detection by ARX Model and Extended Kalman Filter 미리보기
Yoshida, H American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1980
56169 저널기사 Typical Fracture Appearance of Broken Wool Fibers After Simulated Sunlight Irradiation 미리보기
Zimmermann, M The Institute and the Foundation 1980
56170 저널기사 Typicality and preference for positively and negatively valued environmental settings 미리보기
Herzog, T. R.; Stark, J. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
56171 저널기사 Typicality as a Determinant of Affect in Retail Environments 미리보기
Barnes, J.;Ward, J. C. Association for Consumer Research 1994
56172 저널기사 Typicality, naming, and category membership in young children/ 미리보기
Southgate, Victoria Mouton de Gruyter 2000
56173 저널기사 Typical lots for detached houses in residential blocks and lot shape analysis 미리보기
Asami, Y.; Niwa, Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
56174 저널기사 Typically Unstable Long Tandem Repeats in Escherichia coli Show Increased Stability in Strain PMC107 and Are Stable When Incorporated into the Drosophila melanogaster Genome 미리보기
Raman, V Academic Press 1980
56175 저널기사 Typical ocular findings in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2b syndrome/ 미리보기
Eter, Nicole Springer-Verlag 2001
56176 저널기사 Typical Takagi-Sugeno PI and PD fuzzy controllers: analytical structures and stability analysis/ 미리보기
Ding, Y North-Holland [etc 2003
56177 저널기사 Typical western production needed CNC tooling 미리보기
MacLean-Hunter Pub.] 1981
56178 저널기사 Typing Listeria monocytogenes Isolates from Fish Products and Human Listeriosis Cases 미리보기
Boerlin, P American Society for Microbiology. 1980
56179 저널기사 Typing of Common Human Papilloma Virus Strains by Multiplex PCR 미리보기
Lazarus, P Academic Press 1980
56180 저널기사 Typing of foot-and-mouth disease virus by fluorescent antibody technique / 미리보기
Sugimura, T National Institute of Animal Health 1976
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