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56221 저널기사 Typologising nature-based tourists by activity-Theoretical and practical implications 미리보기
Mehmetoglu, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
56222 저널기사 Typology and dimensionality of litigation public relations strategies: The Hewlett-Packard board pretexting scandal case 미리보기
Jin, Y.; Kelsay, C. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
56223 저널기사 Typology and strategic analysis of intangible resources - A resource-based approach 미리보기
Fernandez, E. 00 2000
56224 저널기사 Typology-Driven Theorizing: A Response to Delbridge and Fiss 미리보기
Snow, C.C.; Ketchen, D.J. Academy of Management 2014
56225 저널기사 Typology of career development for Arab women managers in the United Arab Emirates 미리보기
Omair, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
56226 저널기사 Typology of causes of poverty: The perception of Iranian farmers 미리보기
Hayati, D.; Karami, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
56227 저널기사 Typology of condition based maintenance 미리보기
Veldman, J.; Wortmann, H.; Klingenberg, W. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
56228 저널기사 Typology of Foreign Students Interested in Studying at Czech Universities 미리보기
56229 저널기사 Typology of online shoppers 미리보기
Kau, A. K.; Tang, Y. E.; Ghose, S. Grayson Associates 2003
56230 저널기사 Typology of online shoppers/ 미리보기
Kau, A. K Grayson Associates 2003
56231 저널기사 Typology of rainfall fields to improve rainfall estimation in the Sahel by the area threshold method 미리보기
Amani, A American Geophysical Union 1980
56232 저널기사 Typology of social media followers: the case of luxury brands 미리보기
Zahy Ramadan;Maya F. Farah;Armig Dukenjian Emerald Group Publishing Limited
56233 저널기사 Typology of sociotechnical transition pathways 미리보기
Geels, F. W.; Schot, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
56234 저널기사 Typology of the Chinese exporter: Strategist, hesitator, experimentalist and the prospector 미리보기
Chen, X.; Hu, Z.; Sun, X.; Zhao, P. Emerald Group Publishing 2011
56235 저널기사 Typology of the Eight Domains of Discretion in Organizations 미리보기
Caza, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
56236 저널기사 Typology of Women’s Collective Agency In Relation to Women’s Equality Outcomes: Case Studies from Egypt and Beyond 미리보기
Mariz Tadros F. Cass 2021
56237 저널기사 Typus, Widmung und Grenzen der Ergänzungsabgabe 미리보기
Hanno Kube Otto Schmidt 2022
56238 저널기사 [Tyr^1]-Nociceptin, a Novel Nociceptin Analog, Decreases Systemic Arterial Pressure by a Naloxone-Insensitive Mechanism in the Rat 미리보기
Champion, H. C Academic Press 1980
56239 저널기사 Tyr^6^2^4 and Tyr^6^2^8 in insulin receptor substrate-2 mediate its association with the insulin receptor 미리보기
Sawka-Verhelle, D American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
56240 저널기사 Tyramine degradation and tyramine/histamine production by lactic acid bacteria and Kocuria strains/ 미리보기
Fadda, S Science and Technology Letters] 2001
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