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721 저널기사 A Theoretical Analysis of the Diaoyu Islands Disputes from the Perspective of Pure Theory of Law 미리보기
Liang, Z. Institute of International Relations, Republic of China 2013
722 저널기사 A theoretical analysis of the picosecond and sub-picosecond infrared-absorption spectroscopy of hot holes in germanium 미리보기
Supancic, P American Institute of Physics 1980
723 저널기사 A theoretical analysis of the weakly bound complexes H3PXY (XY=HBr, HCl, Br2, BrCl), H3NBrCl/ 미리보기
Valdes, H North Holland 2003
724 저널기사 A Theoretical Analysis of Timber Drying in Oscillating Climates/ 미리보기
Salin, J.-G Walter de Gruyter 2003
725 저널기사 A Theoretical Analysis of Trade Union Membership Fees, Bargaining Power, Wage Rate and Unemployment 미리보기
726 저널기사 A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Alternate Auction Policies for Search Advertisements 미리보기
Subramanian Balachander ; Karthik Kannan ; David G Schwartz Berkeley Electronic Press
727 저널기사 A theoretical and empirical analysis of journal rankings: The case of formal lists 미리보기
Van Fleet, D. D. JAI PRESS INC 2000
728 저널기사 A theoretical and empirical analysis of trust in dynamic production functions 미리보기
Kayser, Stefan Handelsblatt gmbh 2015
729 저널기사 A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to the Value of Information in Risky Markets 미리보기
Frances Antonovitz ; Terry Roe M I T Press
730 저널기사 A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to the Value of Information in Risky Markets: A Comment 미리보기
Theodore Graham-Tomasi M I T Press
731 저널기사 A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to the Value of Information in Risky Markets: A Reply 미리보기
Frances Antonovitz ; Terry Roe M I T Press
732 저널기사 A theoretical and empirical evaluation of the functional forms used to estimate the food 미리보기
Levedahl, J. William American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
733 저널기사 A theoretical and empirical examination of the transactional and non-leadership dimensions of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) 미리보기
Hinkin, T. R.; Schriesheim, C. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
734 저널기사 A Theoretical and Empirical Extension to the Transformational Leadership Construct 미리보기
Goodwin, V. L. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2001
735 저널기사 A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Public Health Subsidies for STD Testing 미리보기
736 저널기사 A theoretical and experimental investigation into cold-formed channel sections in bending with the unstiffened flanges in compression/ 미리보기
Beale, R G Pergamon Press 2001
737 저널기사 A theoretical and experimental investigation of reservoir-fed, rigid-roll coating/ 미리보기
Thompson, H M Pergamon Press 2001
738 저널기사 A theoretical and experimental investigation of surface generation in diamond turning of an Al6061/SiCp metal matrix composite/ 미리보기
Chan, K C Pergamon Press 2001
739 저널기사 A theoretical and experimental investigation of TM mode propagation in anonlinear hybrid aligned liquid crystal waveguide 미리보기
Abbate, G IOP Pub 1980
740 저널기사 A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Filler Effect on Stress-Deformation-Segmental Orientation Relations for Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Networks/ 미리보기
Bokobza, Liliane American Chemical Society 2000
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