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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A unified theory of market partitioning: an integration of resource-partitioning and sunk cost theories 미리보기
Boone, C.; van Witteloostuijn, A. Oxford University Press 2004
2 저널기사 A universal method of information retrieval evaluation: the "missing" link M and the universal IR surface/ 미리보기
Egghe, L Pergamon Press 2004
3 저널기사 A university for home-schoolers Dreaming of spires 미리보기
Floeter, J.; Temming, A. ECONOMIST NEWSPAPER LTD 2004
4 저널기사 The UK BSE Crisis as a Failure of Government 미리보기
Gerodimos, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
5 저널기사 The UK Core Executive's Use of Public Service Agreements as a Tool of Governance 미리보기
James, O. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
6 저널기사 The UK Perspective on the Country of Origin Rule in the E-commerce Directive-A Rule of Administrative Law Applicable to Private Law Disputes? 미리보기
Hornle, J. Oxford University Press 2004
7 저널기사 The UK railway privatisation: failing to succeed? 미리보기
Tyrrall, D. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
8 저널기사 The UK Research Assessment Exercise 2001: an analysis for hospitality research 미리보기
Litteljohn, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
9 저널기사 The unaccountant 미리보기
Moriceau, J. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
10 저널기사 The UNCITRAL Model Cross-Border Insolvency Law: of Proceedings and Adequate Protection 미리보기
Yamauchi, K. D. WILEY CHANCERY 2004
11 저널기사 The Underside of Modernity: Adorno, Heidegger, and Dussel 미리보기
Dallmayr, F. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
12 저널기사 The unexpected benefits of final deadlines in negotiation/ 미리보기
Moore, D. A Academic Press 2004
13 저널기사 The unintended consequences of grouping in tests of asset pricing models 미리보기
Grauer, R. R.; Janmaat, J. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
14 저널기사 The uniqueness of symmetric single peak solutions for a Neumann problem involving critical exponent/ 미리보기
Peng, S Pergamon Press 2004
15 저널기사 The United Nations - A winning recipe for reform? 미리보기
Kaushik, V.; Moots, R. J. ECONOMIST NEWSPAPER LTD 2004
16 저널기사 The United Nations Blaming Annan 미리보기
17 저널기사 The United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: Insolvency Aspects 미리보기
Bazinas, S. V. WILEY CHANCERY 2004
18 저널기사 The United Nations Time for a re-think 미리보기
19 저널기사 The United States and the New Regionalism/Bilateralism 미리보기
Hilaire, A.; Yang, Y. Werner Pub. 2004
20 저널기사 The United States/European Communities Biotech Products Case Opportunity for World Trade Organization Consideration of Whether Internally Applied Non-Tax Measures Fall Within the Scope of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Article XI(1)s Reference 미리보기
Zedalis, R. J. Werner Pub. 2004
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