1 |
Understanding customer level profitability implications of satisfaction programs
Niraj, R.; Foster, G.; Gupta, M. R.; Narasimhan, C.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2 |
Understanding the information and communication technology needs of the e-humanist
Toms, E. G.; O'Brien, H. L.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
3 |
Understanding the salespeople's "feedback-satisfaction" linkage: what role does job perceptions play?
Srivastava, R.; Rangarajan, D.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
4 |
Unlocking the role of a board director: a review of the literature
Petrovic, J.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
5 |
Use of the Universal Decimal Classification: A world-wide survey
Slavic, A.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
6 |
Users' adoption of e-banking services: the Malaysian perspective
Poon, W. C.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
7 |
Using classification schemes and thesauri to build an organizational taxonomy for organizing content and aiding navigation
Wang, Z.; Chaudhry, A. S.; Khoo, C. S.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Using e-procurement applications to achieve integration: what role does firm size play?
Pearcy, D. H.; Giunipero, L. C.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Using systems thinking to enhance strategy maps
Kunc, M.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited