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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Using financial and market information to identify pre-engagement factors associated with 미리보기
Stice, James D American Accounting Association 1991
22 저널기사 Using Incentives to Overcome the Negative Effects of Faultline Conflict on Individual Effort 미리보기
Tian, Yu; Tuttle, Brad M.; Xu, Yin American Accounting Association 2016
23 저널기사 Using information in addition to book value in sample designs for inventory cost estimation 미리보기
Roshwalb, Alan American Accounting Association 1991
24 저널기사 Using Online Video to Announce a Restatement: Influences on Investment Decisions and the Mediating Role of Trust 미리보기
Elliott, W.B.; Hodge, F.D.; Sedor, L.M. American Accounting Association. 2012
25 저널기사 Using Undisclosed Time Budgets to Reduce the Magnitude of Auditors' Underreporting of Chargeable Time 미리보기
Weber, Jill; Stefaniak, Chad M. American Accounting Association 2018
26 저널기사 Using Undisclosed Time Budgets to Reduce the Magnitude of Auditors' Underreporting of Chargeable Time 미리보기
Weber, Jill; Stefaniak, Chad M. American Accounting Association 2018
27 저널기사 U.S.-Listed Foreign Companies' Choice of a U.S.-Based versus Home Country-Based Big N Principal Auditor and the Effect on Audit Fees and Earnings Quality 미리보기
Asthana, Sharad C.; Raman, K. K.; Xu, Hongkang American Accounting Association 2015
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