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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 The U.S.--a political risk? 미리보기
Matson, Erik Penton/IPC 1995
2 저널기사 Ultrapreneurs 미리보기
Marino, Sal Penton/IPC 1997
3 저널기사 Unaccustomed harmony? 미리보기
Miller, William H Penton/IPC 1995
4 저널기사 Unemployment rates 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
5 저널기사 Unemployment rates 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
6 저널기사 Unexpected strength 미리보기
Evans, Mike Penton/IPC 1996
7 저널기사 Unions show membership gain 미리보기
Miller, William H Penton/IPC 1995
8 저널기사 Unleash urgency and action 미리보기
Frohman, Mark A Penton/IPC 1996
9 저널기사 Untapped savings abound 미리보기
Harrington, Lisa Penton/IPC 1996
10 저널기사 Untapped savings abound 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1996
11 저널기사 Upsetting the apple cart 미리보기
Evans, Michael K Penton/IPC 1996
12 저널기사 Up, up, and away 미리보기
Moskal, Brian S Penton/IPC 1995
13 저널기사 Up, up and away: A unique program of fractional jet-aircraft ownership polishes the image of the time-share concept 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1995
14 저널기사 U.S. Asian chip firms solve each other's problems 미리보기
McLeod, Jonah Penton/IPC 1995
15 저널기사 Use as directed 미리보기
Day, Charles R Penton/IPC 1995
16 저널기사 U.S. employment policy: Help wanted 미리보기
Knicely, Howard V Penton/IPC 1995
17 저널기사 U.S. import & export price index 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
18 저널기사 U.S. import & export price index 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
19 저널기사 U.S. import & export price index 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
20 저널기사 U.S. no. 1--again 미리보기
McClenahen, John S Penton/IPC 1995
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