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20001 저널기사 Use of vasopressin during abdominal hysterectomy: a randomized control study/ 미리보기
Okin, Cynthia R American college of Ob and Gy 2001
20002 저널기사 Use of Vegetable Oil to Remove Nitrate From Flowing Groundwater 미리보기
Hunter, W. J American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1997
20003 저널기사 Use of vertical profiles of �1^8O to constrain estimates of hydraulic conductivity in a thick, unfractured aquitard 미리보기
Remenda, V. H American Geophysical Union 1980
20004 저널기사 Use of Veterinary Interlocking Nails for Diaphyseal Fractures in Dogs and Cats: 121 Cases/ 미리보기
Duhautois, B Lippincott 2003
20005 저널기사 Use of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery to Reduce Perioperative Morbidity in Scoliosis Surgery/ 미리보기
Newton, P. O Lippincott Co., [etc.] 2003
20006 저널기사 Use of Videotaping to Assess Competencies and Course Outcomes/ 미리보기
Winters, J Slack incorporated 2003
20007 저널기사 Use of virion DNA as a cloning vector for the construction of mutant andrecombinant herpesviruses 미리보기
Monroe Duboise, S National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
20008 저널기사 Use of virtual 3D maize canopies to assess the effect of plot heterogeneity on radiation interception/ 미리보기
Pommel, B Elsevier 2001
20009 저널기사 Use of visual semiotics in LSP content learning: A Business French example 미리보기
Nakuma, C. Mouton Publishers [etc.] 1993
20010 저널기사 Use of Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutritional Supplements by Participants in a Chemoprevention Trial/ 미리보기
Sandler, Robert S Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.] 2001
20011 저널기사 Use of volcanic aerosols to study the tropical stratospheric reservoir 미리보기
Grant, W. B William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
20012 저널기사 Use of Volcanic Mulch to Rehabilitate Saline-Sodic Soils/ 미리보기
Tejedor, M Soil Science Society of America 2003
20013 저널기사 Use of warranty and reliability data to inform call center staffing 미리보기
Mahadevan, S.; Overstreet, J. Executive Sciences Institute 2013
20014 저널기사 Use of waste date products in the fermentative formation of baker's yeast biomass by Saccharomyces cerevisiae 미리보기
Nancib, N Elsevier Applied Science 1997
20015 저널기사 Use of waste high density polyethylene as bitumen modifier in asphalt concrete mix/ 미리보기
Hnsloglu, S. Agar, E. North-Holland 2004
20016 저널기사 Use of Waste Materials for Control of Acid Mine Drainage and Subsidence/ 미리보기
Siriwardane, H. J American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division 2003
20017 저널기사 Use of WebCT in online and blended modes 미리보기
Yuen, A.H.K.; Deng, L.; Fox, R. Emerald 2009
20018 저널기사 Use of web technology in providing information services by south Indian technological universities as displayed on library websites 미리보기
B., P. B.; Kumar, V. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
20019 저널기사 Use of wetting agents to improve flotation deinking with magnesium oxide/ 미리보기
Stack, K The Association 2000
20020 저널기사 Use of wire bunch electrodes in electric discharge machining 미리보기
Dursun, K.; Cogun, C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
맨앞 이전 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 다음 맨뒤
