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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
20601 저널기사 Using a goal programming approach to design and evaluate protected areas for the conservation of multiple dimensions of biodiversity 미리보기
Morales-Barbero, Jennifer; Ferrer-Castán, Dolores Urban & Fischer 2019
20602 저널기사 Using a group decision support system to add value to group model building 미리보기
Ackermann, F.; Andersen, D. F.; Eden, C.; Richardson, G. P. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
20603 저널기사 Using a Health-Concerns Checklist as a Bridge From Reason for Encounter to Diagnosis of Girls Attending an Adolescent Health Service/ 미리보기
Wilf-Miron, Rachel American Academy of Pediatrics [etc.] 2001
20604 저널기사 Using a heterogeneous multinomial probit model with a neural net extension to model brand choice 미리보기
Hruschka, H. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2007
20605 저널기사 Using a Hierarchy-of-Effects Approach to Gauge the Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility to Generate Goodwill Toward the Firm: Financial versus Nonfinancial Impacts 미리보기
Murray, K. B. 00 1997
20606 저널기사 Using a Human Performance System Model to Balance Professional and Personal Life 미리보기
Markel, Geraldine ISPI 2000
20607 저널기사 Using a `Hybrid' Approach to Model Oil and Gas Supply: A Case Study of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf 미리보기
20608 저널기사 Using Air Pressure Cells to Evaluate the Effect of Soil Environment on the Transmission of Soilborne Viruses of Wheat/ 미리보기
Cadle-Davidson, L American Phytopathological Society] 2003
20609 저널기사 Using Air Set to Cast Circular Saw Table Extensions / 미리보기
Bradley 1979
20610 저널기사 Using AI to Enhance Business Operations 미리보기
Tarafdar, Monideepa; Beath, Cynthia M.; Ross, Jeanne W. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2019
20611 저널기사 Using a KDD process to forecast the duration of surgery 미리보기
Combes, C.; Meskens, N.; Rivat, C.; Vandamme, J. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
20612 저널기사 Using a KM framework to evaluate an ERP system implementation 미리보기
Chan, E. W.; Walker, D. H.; Mills, A. Emerald Group Publishing limited 2009
20613 저널기사 Using a knowledge-based decision support system development environment to implement a scheduling system for a workshop 미리보기
20614 저널기사 Using a knowledge-based decision support system development environment to implement a scheduling system for a workshop 미리보기
Klein, M.;Lecomte, C.;Dejax, P. Elsevier 1992
20615 저널기사 Using a Life Cycle Model to Design a Target Date Glidepath 미리보기
Ilia Lanski; Raj Paramaguru; Wesley Phoa; Yung Wang; P. Brett Hammond Institutional Investor, Inc. 2022
20616 저널기사 Using a likelihood perspective to sharpen econometric discourse: Three examples 미리보기
Sims, C.A. ELSEVIER 2000
20617 저널기사 Using a linear approximation for single-surface refraction to explain some virtual image phenomena 미리보기
Galili, I Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 1980
20618 저널기사 Using a Linked Learning Activity to Foster Nursing Students' Professional Growth 미리보기
Smith, D Slack incorporated 2003
20619 저널기사 Using Al in Law Practice: It's Practical Now 미리보기
Mills, Michael ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2016
20620 저널기사 Using alkylaluminium activators to tailor short chain branching distributions of ethylene/1-hexene copolymers produced with in-situ supported metallocene catalysts/ 미리보기
Shan, C L P Huthig & Wepf 2000
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