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21201 저널기사 Using game theory and fuzzy MCDM to choose strategic orientation in uphold of private sector by approach balanced scorecard: Iranian industries 미리보기
Jafari-Eskandari, M.; Aliahmadi, A.R.; Jalali-Naini, S.G. INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS 2011
21202 저널기사 Using Gaming to Help Nursing Students Understand Ethics/ 미리보기
Metcalf, B. L Slack incorporated 2003
21203 저널기사 Using Gene Expression Ratios to Predict Outcome Among Patients With Mesothelioma 미리보기
Gordon, G. J U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health 2003
21204 저널기사 Using General Messages to Persuade on a Politicized Scientific Issue 미리보기
Jon Green ; James N. Druckman ; Matthew A. Baum ; David Lazer ; Katherine Ognyanova ; Matthew D. Simonson ; Jennifer Lin ; Mauricio Santillana ; Roy H. Perlis Cambridge University Press 2023
21205 저널기사 Using general systems theory to understand how farmers manage variability 미리보기
Kaine, G.; Cowan, L. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
21206 저널기사 Using generic system archetypes to support thinking and modelling 미리보기
Wolstenholme, E. F. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2004
21207 저널기사 Using genetic algorithms to find technical trading rules 미리보기
Allen, F. ELSEVIER 1999
21208 저널기사 Using genetic algorithms to find technical trading rules 미리보기
Allen, Franklin North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1999
21209 저널기사 Using genetic algorithms to resolve layout problems in facilities where there are aisles 미리보기
Gomez, A.; Fernandez, Q. I.; De la Fuente Garcia, D.; Garcia, P. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
21210 저널기사 Using genetic alogorithms to solve optimization problems in construction 미리보기
Al-Tabtabai, H. BLACKWELL SCIENCE 1999
21211 저널기사 Using Genetic Learning Neural Networks for Spatial Decision Making in GIS 미리보기
Zhou, J American Society of Photogrammetry 1980
21212 저널기사 Using genetic structure data and phylogenetic criteria in attributing prioritization scores for conservation of spontaneous Capparis spinosa L. populations from Tunisia 미리보기
Chibani, Farhat; Skouri-Gargouri, Houda; Salem, Asma Ben; Ghorbel, Abdelwahed; Zoghlami, Néjia Urban & Fischer 2017
21213 저널기사 Using geometric extrema for segment-to-segment characteristics comparison in online signature verification/ 미리보기
Lee, J Pergamon Press 2004
21214 저널기사 Using geotagged photographs and GIS analysis to estimate visitor flows in natural areas 미리보기
Orsi, F.; Geneletti, D. Urban & Fischer 2013
21215 저널기사 Using GFP to see the light 미리보기
Prasher, D. C Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
21216 저널기사 Using GIS-based ecological?economic modeling to evaluate policies affecting agricultural watersheds 미리보기
Lant, C. L.; Kraft, S. E.; Beaulieu, J.; Bennett, D.; Loftus, T.; Nicklow, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
21217 저널기사 Using GIS in Risk Analysis: A Case Study of Hazardous Waste Transport 미리보기
21218 저널기사 Using Global Positioning Systems in Household Surveys for Better Economics and Better Policy 미리보기
Gibson, J.; McKenzie, D. Oxford University Press 2007
21219 저널기사 Using global ratings of health plans to improve the quality of health care 미리보기
Glazer, J.; McGuire, T. G.; Cao, Z.; Zaslavsky, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
21220 저널기사 Using globular clusters to test gravity in the weak acceleration regime/ 미리보기
Scarpa, R Springer-Verlag 2003
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