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21501 저널기사 Using Modern Threads : 미리보기
Bonnier Magazines & Books 1987
21502 저널기사 Using modified Barabási and Albert model to study the complex logistic network in eco-industrial systems 미리보기
Xiao, Z.; Zhou, G.; Wang, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
21503 저널기사 Using Modified Strong Copper Extractants to Treat Sulfidic Ores/ 미리보기
Maes, C The Society (TMS) 2003
21504 저널기사 Using MOEAs to Outperform Stock Benchmarks in the Presence of Typical Investment Constraints 미리보기
Clark, A.; Kenyon, J. Institutional Investor, Inc 2012
21505 저널기사 Using molecular markers to pyramid genes for resistance to ascochyta blight and anthracnose in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik)/ 미리보기
Tar'an, B M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2003
21506 저널기사 Using molecular weight distributions to determine the kinetics of peroxide-induced degradation of polypropylene/ 미리보기
Iedema, Piet D Pergamon Press 2001
21507 저널기사 Using Momentum Analysis to Explain and Forecast the Outcome of International Negotiations 미리보기
Bjola, Corneliu Martinus Nijhoff 2015
21508 저널기사 Using Monetary Policy to Target a Nominal Wage Index 미리보기
Sumner, S. 00 1995
21509 저널기사 Using Monte Carlo analysis to investigate the relationship between overconsumption and uncertain access to one's personal utility function 미리보기
Courard-Hauri, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
21510 저널기사 Using Monte Carlo simulations to establish a new house price stress test 미리보기
Follain, J. R.; Giertz, S. H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2011
21511 저널기사 Using Monte Carlo simulation to refine emergency logistics response models: a case study 미리보기
Banomyong, R.; Sopadang, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
21512 저널기사 Using Mothers versus Trained Observers in Assessing Children's Secure Base Behavior: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations 미리보기
Teti, D. M Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development [etc. 1980
21513 저널기사 Using Motif-Based Methods in Multiple Genome Analyses: A Case Study Comparing Orthologous Mesophilic and Thermophilic Proteins/ 미리보기
La, D American Chemical Society 2003
21514 저널기사 Using Motivation as a Basis for Understanding and Improving Direct Marketing Relationships 미리보기
Corey, R. J. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1994
21515 저널기사 Using Motivation Theory to Develop a Transformative Consumer Research Agenda for Reducing Materialism in Society 미리보기
Burroughs, J.E.; Chaplin, L.N.; Pandelaere, M.; Norton, M.I.; Ordabayeva, N.; Gunz, A.; Dinauer, L. American Marketing Association 2013
21516 저널기사 Using Motivation Theory to Develop a Transformative Consumer Research Agenda for Reducing Materialism in Society 미리보기
Burroughs, J.E.; Chaplin, L.N.; Pandelaere, M.; Norton, M.I.; Ordabayeva, N.; Gunz, A.; Dinauer, L. AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION 2013
21517 저널기사 Using Motor Imagery in the Rehabilitation of Hemiparesis/ 미리보기
Stevens, J. A American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
21518 저널기사 Using MR Techniques to Probe Permeability Reduction in Rock Cores/ 미리보기
Johns, M. L American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
21519 저널기사 Using multi-criteria decision aid to rank and select co-branding partners: From a brand personality perspective 미리보기
Chang, W. L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
21520 저널기사 Using Multicriteria Methods in Environmental Planning and Management/ 미리보기
Lahdelma, Risto Springer-Verlag] 2000
맨앞 이전 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 다음 맨뒤
