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21841 저널기사 Using scenarios to beat out the competition 미리보기
Fahey, Liam Executive Enterprises 1997
21842 저널기사 Using scenarios to explore employee attitudes in retailing 미리보기
Foster, C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
21843 저널기사 Using scenarios to explore UK upland futures 미리보기
Reed, M. S.; Arblaster, K.; Bullock, C.; Burton, R. J.; Davies, A. L.; Holden, J.; Hubacek, K.; May, R.; Mitchley, J.; Morris, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
21844 저널기사 Using Scheduled Ordering to Improve the Performance of Distribution Supply Chains 미리보기
Chen, L.G.; Gavirneni, S. Institute of Management Sciences] 2010
21845 저널기사 Using scholastic aptitude test scores as indicators of state educational performance 미리보기
Dynarski, M. PERGAMON 1993
21846 저널기사 Using School Choice Lotteries to Test Measures of School Effectiveness 미리보기
Deming, D.J. American Economic Association 2014
21847 저널기사 Using Schools After Class Hours? 미리보기
21848 저널기사 Using school scholarships to estimate the effect of private education on the academic achievement of low-income students in Chile 미리보기
Anand, P.; Mizala, A.; Repetto, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
21849 저널기사 Using screen capture to study user research behavior 미리보기
Imler, B.; Eichelberger, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
21850 저널기사 Using scripts to address cultural and institutional challenges of global project coordination 미리보기
Catherine Durnell Cramton ; Tine Köhler ; Raymond E. Levitt Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
21851 저널기사 Using scripts to automate online library activities 미리보기
Kairis, R. 00 1996
21852 저널기사 Using search theory to determine an applications selection strategy 미리보기
Wybo, M.; Robert, J.; Leger, P. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
21853 저널기사 Using self-employment as proxy for entrepreneurship: some empirical caveats 미리보기
Bjuggren, C.M.; Johansson, D.; Stenkula, M. Inderscience Enterprises 2012
21854 저널기사 Using self-organizing maps to adjust for intra-day seasonality 미리보기
Ben Omrane, W.; de Bodt, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
21855 저널기사 Using Self-Perceived Age and the List of Values to Study Older Consumer in 4 Nations 미리보기
Kohlbacher, F.; Sudbury, L.; Hofmeister, A. Association for Consumer Research 2013
21856 저널기사 Using Self-Report and Adverse Event Measures to Track Health's Impact on Productivity in Known Groups/ 미리보기
Allen, H. M American Occupational Medical Asso 2003
21857 저널기사 Using Self-Report Questionnaires in OB Research: A Comment on the Use of a Controversial Method 미리보기
Spector, P. E. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1994
21858 저널기사 Using semantic correctness in multidatabases to achieve local autonomy, distribute coordination, and maintain global integrity/ 미리보기
Ray, Indrakshi North-Holland [etc 2000
21859 저널기사 Using semi-supervised classifiers for credit scoring 미리보기
Kennedy, K.; Namee, B. M.; Delany, S. J. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2013
21860 저널기사 Using SEM-PLS to assess users satisfaction of library service quality: evidence from Malaysia 미리보기
Choshaly, Sahar Hosseinikhah; Mirabolghasemi, Marva Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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