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22281 저널기사 Using video analysis to investigate intermediate concepts in classical mechanics 미리보기
Wehrbein, William M Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 2001
22282 저널기사 Using Video Interviewing in the Assessment of Social Work Communication Skills 미리보기
Cartney, P. British Association of Social Workers 2006
22283 저널기사 Using video to attract customers and talent 미리보기
unknown CIO Pub 2013
22284 저널기사 Using vigilance behavior to test whether predation promotes habitat partitioning 미리보기
Repasky, R. R Ecological Society of America, etc.] 1980
22285 저널기사 Using vignettes to improve understanding of Social Security and annuities 미리보기
Anya Samek ; Arie Kapteyn ; Andre Gray Cambridge University Press 2022
22286 저널기사 Using vignettes to study family consumption processes 미리보기
Gronhoj, A.; Bech-Larsen, T. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
22287 저널기사 Using viral genomics to develop viral gene products as a novel class of drugs to treat human ailments/ 미리보기
Kim, J Joseph Science and Technology Letters] 2001
22288 저널기사 Using virtual communities in tourism research 미리보기
Illum, S. F.; Ivanov, S. H.; Liang, Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
22289 저널기사 Using virtual environments to assess directional knowledge 미리보기
Waller, D.; Beall, A. C.; Loomis, J. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
22290 저널기사 Using Virtual Reality Technology in Organizational Behavior Research 미리보기
Pierce, C. A. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1997
22291 저널기사 Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling 미리보기
Brown,, R.; Recker, J.; West, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
22292 저널기사 Using Visual Interference to Establish New Brand-Attribute Linkages 미리보기
Saenger, C.; Jewell, R.; Johnson, J.W. Association for Consumer Research 2012
22293 저널기사 Using Visualization Software to Compile and Analyze Data: A Step-by-Step Guide for CPAs. 미리보기
Pan Kevin ; Blankley Alan New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2018
22294 저널기사 Using visualization technologies for design and planning of a healthy construction workplace 미리보기
Rwamamara, R.; Norberg, H.; Olofsson, T.; Lagerqvist, O. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
22295 저널기사 Using visualization to alter the balance between desirability and feasibility during choice 미리보기
Cohen, J. B.; Belyavsky, J.; Silk, T. Taylor & Francis 2008
22296 저널기사 Using Visual Representations as Boundary Objects to Resolve Conflict in Collaborative Model-Building Approaches 미리보기
Black, L. J.; Andersen, D. F. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
22297 저널기사 Using VIX Entropy Indicators for Style Rotation Timing 미리보기
Efremidze, L.; DiLellio, J.A.; Stanley, D.J. Institutional Investor, Inc 2014
22298 저널기사 Using Volunteers to Survey Child Restraint Compliance among New Hampshire Drivers 미리보기
Frank, E American Public Health Association 1980
22299 저널기사 Using warm-up stages before measuring preferences for innovative products 미리보기
22300 저널기사 Using Warren Buffett's Rules to Assist Individual Investors. 미리보기
Kess Sidney ; Mendlowitz Edward New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2016
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