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22441 저널기사 U.S. Monetary Policy Surprises and Mortgage Rates 미리보기
Xu, P.; Han, Y.; Yang, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
22442 저널기사 US monetary policy surprises transmission to European stock markets 미리보기
Chebbi, Tarek; Derbali, Abdelkader Inderscience 2019
22443 저널기사 US monetary policy Taper tiger 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
22444 저널기사 US monetary shocks and global stock prices 미리보기
Laeven, L.; Tong, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
22445 저널기사 U.S. money demand and the welfare cost of inflation in a currency-deposit model 미리보기
Bali, T. G. 00 2000
22446 저널기사 U.S. Money Supply and China's Business Cycles 미리보기
Chen, Yanbin; Liu, Kai; Liu, Zhexi M.E. Sharpe 2018
22447 저널기사 US Motor-Carrier Exit: Prevalence and Determinants 미리보기
Guntuka, Laharish; Corsi, Thomas M.; Grimm, Curtis M.; Cantor, David E. Pennsylvania State University Press 2019
22448 저널기사 U.S. Moves on Earnings Stripping 미리보기
Velarde, Andrew Tax Analysts 2016
22449 저널기사 U.S. Moves Up to Second Place on Financial Secrecy Index 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2018
22450 저널기사 U.S. Multinational Activity Abroad and U.S. Jobs: Substitutes or Complements? 미리보기
HARRISON, A. E.; MCMILLAN, M. S.; NULL, C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
22451 저널기사 US Multinational Companies' Payout and Investment Decisions in Response to International Tax Provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 미리보기
Beyer BD ; Downes JF ; Mathis ME ; Rapley ET American Accounting Association, Tax Section 2023
22452 저널기사 U.S. Multinational Investment in Canadian Manufacturing Industries 미리보기
Lindsay Meredith M I T Press
22453 저널기사 U.S. Multinationals and Preferential Market Access 미리보기
Blanchard, Emily; Matschke, Xenia Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2015
22454 저널기사 U.S. multinationals and the home bias puzzle: an empirical analysis 미리보기
Salehizadeh, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
22455 저널기사 U.S. multinationals and worker participation in management: The American experience in the European Community. 미리보기
American Economic Assonication
22456 저널기사 US Multinationals and Workers' Rights Globally 미리보기
22457 저널기사 U.S. Multinationals Book At Least $230 Billion in Tax Havens 미리보기
Sullivan, Martin A. Tax Analysts 2020
22458 저널기사 US multinationals: changing the framework of Irish industrial relations? 미리보기
22459 저널기사 U.S. Multinationals Support Tariff Response to French DST 미리보기
Tax Analysts 2020
22460 저널기사 U.S. Mussel Watch Data from 1986 to 1994: Temporal Trend Detection at Large Spatial Scales 미리보기
Beliaeff, B American Chemical Society 1980
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