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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
23201 저널기사 Utility of intraoperative frozen section analysis of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer/ 미리보기
Chao, Celia Louis F. LeJacq 2001
23202 저널기사 Utility of laparoscopy in chronic abdominal pain/ 미리보기
Onders, R. P C. V. Mosby Co 2003
23203 저널기사 Utility of laryngeal electromyography in predicting recovery after vocal fold paralysis/ 미리보기
Munin, M. C American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
23204 저널기사 Utility of location: A comparative survey between small new technology-based firms located on and off Science Parks-Implications for facilities management 미리보기
Dettwiler, P.; Lindelof, P.; Lofsten, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
23205 저널기사 Utility of mobilization of the right colon and the root of the mesentery for avoiding vein grafting during reconstruction of the portal vein/ 미리보기
Fujisaki, Shigeru Elsevier Science Pub 2001
23206 저널기사 Utility of Multilocus Sequence Typing as an Epidemiological Tool for Investigation of Outbreaks of Gastroenteritis Caused by Campylobacter jejuni/ 미리보기
Sails, A. D American Society for Microbiology 1900
23207 저널기사 Utility of peripheral densitometry in assessment of patients in primary care/ 미리보기
Faulkner, Kenneth G American college of Ob and Gy 2001
23208 저널기사 Utility of provider volume as an indicator of medical care quality and for policy decisions/ 미리보기
Sheikh, Kazim University of Virginia School of Medicine 2001
23209 저널기사 Utility of quercetin for determination of some tertiary amine and quaternary ammonium salts 미리보기
Mohamed, F. A Pergamon Press 1980
23210 저널기사 Utility of Routine Serial Computed Tomography for Blunt Intracranial Injury/ 미리보기
Chao, Alexander Williams & Wilkins 2001
23211 저널기사 Utility of Serial Urinary Tumor Markers to Individualize Intervals between Cystoscopies in the Monitoring of Patients with Bladder Carcinoma/ 미리보기
Sdnchez-Carbayo, Marta Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.] 2001
23212 저널기사 Utility of Serum and Urinary Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Levels as Markers of Diabetic Nephropathy/ 미리보기
Mogyor�i, A S. Karger 2000
23213 저널기사 Utility of the Antibody Response to a Conjugated Haemophilus influenzae Type B Vaccine for Diagnosis of Primary Humoral Immunodeficiency/ 미리보기
Rodrigo, Mar�-Jos� 2000
23214 저널기사 Utility of the MELD Score for Assessing 3-Month Survival in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis: One More Positive Answer/ 미리보기
Williams and Wilkins Co 2003
23215 저널기사 Utility of the percentage of positive prostate biopsies in predicting PSA outcome after radiotherapy for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer/ 미리보기
Selek, U Pergamon Press 2003
23216 저널기사 Utility of the Regina Risk Indicator Tool Among Case Managed Elderly Clients 미리보기
Hadjistavropoulos, H.; Bierlein, C.; Neville, S.; Tuttosi-White, T.; Quine, A.; Sagan, M. CANADIAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVES 2005
23217 저널기사 Utility of the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) in the ART laboratory./ 미리보기
Evenson, D P American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
23218 저널기사 Utility of the Theories of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior for Predicting Physician Behavior: A Prospective Analysis 미리보기
Millstein, S. G Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1980
23219 저널기사 Utility of Tonsillectomy in 2 Patients With the Syndrome of Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Cervical Adenitis/ 미리보기
Parikh, S. R American Medical Association 2003
23220 저널기사 Utility of Tumor Markers in Determining Resectability of Pancreatic Cancer/ 미리보기
Schlieman, M. G American Medical Association] 2003
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