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23301 저널기사 Utilization of Pediatric Hospitals in New York State/ 미리보기
Kanter, R. K American Academy of Pediatrics [etc.] 2003
23302 저널기사 Utilization of Phosphocholine from Extracellular Complex Polysaccharide as a Source of Cytoplasmic Choline Derivatives in Penicillium fellutanum 미리보기
Park, Y.-I American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
23303 저널기사 Utilization of Phosphorus in Lactating Cows Fed Varying Amounts of Phosphorus and Forage/ 미리보기
Wu, Z American Dairy Science Association 2003
23304 저널기사 Utilization of Phosphorus Substrates by Contrasting Common Bean Genotypes 미리보기
Yan, X Crop Science Society of America 1980
23305 저널기사 Utilization of Photographs for Determining Impact Indicators for Trail Management/ 미리보기
Kim, S.-O Springer-Verlag] 2003
23306 저널기사 Utilization of Phytate and Nonphytate Phosphorus in Chicks as Affected by Source and Amount of Vitamin D3 미리보기
Biehl, R. R American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1997
23307 저널기사 Utilization of Phytate Phosphorus and Calcium as Influenced by MicrobialPhytase, Cholecalciferol, and the Calcium: Total Phosphorus Ratio in Broiler Diets 미리보기
Qian, H Poultry Science Association, etc.] 1997
23308 저널기사 Utilization of police dogs: a Turkish perspective 미리보기
Ozcan, S. S.; Akin, H.; Bayram, H.; Bas, M.; Yildiz, A.; Ozdemiroglu, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
23309 저널기사 Utilization of probability distributions for the solution of partial difference and partial differential equations/ 미리보기
Said, Abdel Salam Pergamon Press 2001
23310 저널기사 Utilization of Prompt-gamma Neutron Activation Analysis in the Evaluation of Nafion Membranes/ 미리보기
Young, S. K Wiley 2003
23311 저널기사 Utilization of R&D Results in the Home and Foreign Plants of Multinationals 미리보기
23312 저널기사 Utilization of R&D results in the home and foreign plants of multinationals 미리보기
Fors, Gunnar Blackwell 1997
23313 저널기사 Utilization of Recombinant Adenovirus and Dominant Negative Mutants to Characterize Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4-regulated Apolipoprotein AI and CIII Expression 미리보기
Fraser, J. D American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
23314 저널기사 Utilization of recombined milk in the preparation of chhana / 미리보기
Puranik, D.B Agricultural Research Communication Centre 1997
23315 저널기사 Utilization of recovered solids from tequila industry vinasse as fodder feed 미리보기
I�guez-Covarrubias, G Elsevier Applied Science 1996
23316 저널기사 Utilization of Rice Hull Ash as a Support Material for Immobilization ofCandida cylindracea Lipase 미리보기
Tantrakulsiri, J American Oil Chemists' Society 1980
23317 저널기사 Utilization of Self-Identity Roles for Designing Interventions for Persons With Dementia 미리보기
Cohen-Mansfield, J.; Parpura-Gill, A.; Golander, H. Gerontological Society of America 2006
23318 저널기사 Utilization of social science research knowledge in Canada 미리보기
Landry, R. ELSEVIER 2001
23319 저널기사 Utilization of solid phase spectrophotometry for determination of trace amounts of beryllium in natural water/ 미리보기
Amin, Alaa S Elsevier Pub. Co 2001
23320 저널기사 Utilization of some cashew by-products 미리보기
Gyedu-Akoto, E. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
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