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101 저널기사 A unified solution approach for the due date assignment problem with tardy jobs 미리보기
Koulamas, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
102 저널기사 A unified strategy for search and result representation for an online bibliographical catalogue 미리보기
Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M.; Feitelson, D. G.; Frachtenberg, E.; Wiseman, Y. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
103 저널기사 A unified strategy for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure branched-chain cyclohexenons and -cyclopentenones from a single progenitor 미리보기
Chretien, F Pergamon Press 1980
104 저널기사 A unified systems perspective of family firm performance 미리보기
Habbershon, T. G.; Williams, M.; MacMillan, I. C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
105 저널기사 A unified systems perspective of family firm performance: an extension and integration 미리보기
Chrisman, J. J.; Chua, J. H.; Litz, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
106 저널기사 A Unified Theory Based on SO(5) Symmetry of Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism 미리보기
Zhang, S.-C American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
107 저널기사 A unified theory of CIP and CPP giant magnetoresistance in magnetic sandwiches 미리보기
Vedyayev, A North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
108 저널기사 A unified theory of consumption, travel and trip chaining 미리보기
Anas, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2007
109 저널기사 A unified theory of market partitioning: an integration of resource-partitioning and sunk cost theories 미리보기
Boone, C.; van Witteloostuijn, A. Oxford University Press 2004
110 저널기사 A Unified Theory of `Standard' and `Transparent' Free Relatives/ 미리보기
Grosu, A D. Reidel Publishing Co 2003
111 저널기사 A unified theory of structural change 미리보기
Dolores Guilló, M. x.; Papageorgiou, C.; Perez-Sebastian, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
112 저널기사 A Unified Theory of the Behaviour of Profit-Maximising, Labour-Managed and Joint-Stock Firms Operating Under Uncertainty : A Comment 미리보기
S. HARUNA ;; unknown 1985
113 저널기사 A Unified Theory of the Behaviour of Profit-Maximising, Labour-Managed and Joint-Stock Firms Operating Under Uncertainty : A Rejoinder 미리보기
J. D. HEY;; unknown 1985
114 저널기사 A Unified Timoshenko Beam B-spline Rayleigh-Ritz Method for Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Thick and Thin Beams and Plates 미리보기
Wang, S Wiley [etc.] 1980
115 저널기사 A Unified Treatment of Cure and Degradation Through the Composite Methodology 미리보기
Hayes, B. S Wiley 1996
116 저널기사 A Unified Treatment of Null Values Using Constraints 미리보기
Selcuk Candan, K North-Holland [etc 1980
117 저널기사 A unified treatment of the characters of Su(2) and SU(1,1) 미리보기
Bal, S American Institute of Physics 1980
118 저널기사 A unified view of Kolmogorov and Lorenz systems/ 미리보기
Pelino, Vinicio Pasini, Antonello North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
119 저널기사 A Unified View of the IPA, SF, and LR Gradient Estimation Techniques 미리보기
Pierre L'Ecuyer I N F O R M S
120 저널기사 A Unified Willow Tree Framework for One-Factor Short-Rate Models 미리보기
Wang, Guangguang; Xu, Wei Institutional Investor, Inc 2018
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