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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1641 저널기사 The Use of Adrenalectomy as a Treatment for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 미리보기
Van Wyk, J. J Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
1642 저널기사 The Use of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine/ 미리보기
Hedrick, M. H W.B.Saunders 2003
1643 저널기사 The Use of Advanced Simulation in the Training of Anesthesiologists to Treat Chemical Warfare Casualties/ 미리보기
Berkenstadt, H International Anesthesia Research Society] 2003
1644 저널기사 The Use of Advertising Agencies for Foreign Markets: Decentralized Decisions and Localized Approaches? 미리보기
Ali Kanso World advertising research center
1645 저널기사 The use of AFLP fingerprinting for the detection of genetic variation infungi 미리보기
Majer, D Cambridge University Press 1980
1646 저널기사 The use of AFLP markers for cultivar identification in apricot/ 미리보기
Geuna, F P. Parey 2003
1647 저널기사 The use of AFLP markers for the identification of carrot breeding lines and F1 hybrids/ 미리보기
Grzebelus, D P. Parey 2001
1648 저널기사 The use of a functional grammar in the automatic processing of stylised administrative documents in a land registry 미리보기
Marzano, G. ASLIB 1993
1649 저널기사 The use of a germene for the synthesis of esters of alpha-germyl-substituted alpha-amino acid and alpha-aminophosphonic acid/ 미리보기
El Kettani, S. E.-C Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
1650 저널기사 The use of AICPA tests in evaluating transfer students at a university. 미리보기
Trump, Guy W.; Sweeney, Daniel L.; Berlfein, Harold M.; Burns, Thomas J.; Campfield, William L.; Davidson, H. Justin; Dittrich, Norman E.; Holstrum, Gary L.; Mosich, A. N.; Schiff, Michael; Usry, Milton F.; Wyatt, Arthur R Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
1651 저널기사 The use of Aid Money for Debt Reduction A View From Inside 미리보기
Van Kesteren, K. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1994
1652 저널기사 The use of a lean production index in explaining the transition to global competitiveness: the auto components sector in South Africa 미리보기
Kojima, S.; Kaplinsky, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
1653 저널기사 The Use of Allelopathic Legume Cover and Mulch Species for Weed Control in Cropping Systems/ 미리보기
Caamal-Maldonado, Jes� Arturo American Society of Agronomy] 2001
1654 저널기사 The use of alternative technologies to develop malolactic fermentation in wine/ 미리보기
Maicas, S Springer International 2001
1655 저널기사 The Use of Aluminum Chloride for Removal of Boc Groups on 5'-Amino-2',5'-Dideoxyoligonucleotides During Solid-Phase Synthesis 미리보기
James, K. D Pergamon Press 1980
1656 저널기사 The use of a mandatory best practice reminder in the electronic record improves influenza vaccination rate in a pediatric rheumatology clinic 미리보기
Patwardhan, A.; Kelleher, K.; Cunningham, D.; Menke, J.; Spencer, C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
Ngoie, J.K.; Zellner, A. Cambridge University Press 2012
1658 저널기사 The Use of Ambient Inspections in Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement When the Inspecton Agency Cannot Commit Itself to Announced Inspection Probabilities 미리보기
Franckx, L. ACADEMIC PR 2002
1659 저널기사 The use of a Model of Movement Sequences for the Study of Knowledge of Results and the Training of Experts / 미리보기
Adams, J.A Teviot Scientific 1985
1660 저널기사 The use of a modified bulk segregant analysis to identify a molecular marker linked to a scab resistance gene in apple 미리보기
Yang, H. Y M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1997
맨앞 이전 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 다음 맨뒤
