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1661 저널기사 The use of a modified hypo-osmotic swelling test to select non-motile but viable testicular spermatozoa for intracytoplasmic sperm injection./ 미리보기
Sallam, H American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
1662 저널기사 The Use of a Multi-Double-Crystal Diffractometer to Investigate Nickel Domains 미리보기
Treimer, W Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
1663 저널기사 The use of an acoustic technique to assess wood decay in laboratory soil-bed tests/ 미리보기
Machek, L Springer-Verlag 2000
1664 저널기사 The Use of an Agent in a Signalling Model 미리보기
Caillaud, B. ACADEMIC PR 1993
1665 저널기사 The use of analogy in biology and economics: From biology to economics, and back 미리보기
Hannon, B. ELSEVIER 1997
1666 저널기사 The Use of Analogy in Legal Argument: Problem Similarity, Precedent, and Expertise 미리보기
Marchant, G. ACADEMIC PRESS INC 1993
1667 저널기사 The Use of Analytical Procedures 미리보기
Blocher, E American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1980
1668 저널기사 The Use of Analytical Procedures. 미리보기
Blocher, Edward; Patterson Jr., George F Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
1669 저널기사 The use of analytical procedures by external auditors in Canada 미리보기
Lin, K. Z.; Fraser, I. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
1670 저널기사 The use of an aquatic microcosm for pollution effects assessment 미리보기
Sugiura, K Pergamon Press 1980
1671 저널기사 The use of an array to explain the sound characteristics of secondary small plate tones produced by the impingement of an axisymmetric choked jet 미리보기
Henderson, B American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
1672 저널기사 The Use of an Electric Heater for the Lane and Eynon Titration of Reducing Sugas 미리보기
Englis, D.T American Chemical Society 1937
1673 저널기사 The Use of an ERP System to Facilitate Regulatory Compliance 미리보기
Mundy, J.; Owen, C.A. Auerbach 2013
1674 저널기사 The Use of a Neural Factory to Investigate the Effect of Product Line Width on Manufacturing 미리보기
Swamidass, Paul M Institute of Management Sciences 1999
1675 저널기사 The use of an expert system in the M3 competition 미리보기
Flores, B. E. ELSEVIER 2000
1676 저널기사 The Use of an Extended Groin Flap for Vaginal Reconstruction/ 미리보기
Akbas, H Williams & Wilkins 2002
1677 저널기사 The Use of an Innovative Culture System to Maintain a Variety of Atmospheric Conditions./ 미리보기
Behr, B American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
1678 저널기사 The use of an interim CEO during succession episodes and firm performance 미리보기
Ballinger, G. A.; Marcel, J. J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
1679 저널기사 The use of anion exchange resins for the synthesis of combinatorial libraries containing aryl and heteroaryl ethers 미리보기
Parlow, J. J Pergamon Press 1980
1680 저널기사 The Use of Annual Reports by UK Investment Analysts 미리보기
Day, Judith F. S. Institute of Chartered Accountants 1986
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