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18541 저널기사 Use and effectiveness of internet services and resources in the Delhi College of Engineering Library: a case study 미리보기
Arya, S.; Talukdar, K. D. THE PIERIAN PRESS, INC. 2010
18542 저널기사 Use and Impact of Direct Mail in the Context of Integrated Marketing Communications: U.S. Congressional Campaigns in 1982 and 1990 미리보기
Weaver Lariscy, R. A. 00 1996
18543 저널기사 Use and impact of electronic journals in the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India 미리보기
Kaur, B.; Verma, R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
18544 저널기사 Use and Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Developing Countries` Small Business: Evidence from Indian Small Scale Industry 미리보기
Lal, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
18545 저널기사 Use and impact of performance measurement results in R&D and NPD: an exploratory study 미리보기
Godener, A.; Soderquist, K. E. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
18546 저널기사 Use and interaction of navigation strategies in regionalized environments 미리보기
Wiener, J. M.; Schnee, A.; Mallot, H. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
18547 저널기사 Use and misuse of levels of analysis in leadership research: An illustrative review of leader-member exchange 미리보기
Gooty, J.; Serban, A.; Thomas, J. S.; Gavin, M. B.; Yammarino, F. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
18548 저널기사 Use and Misuse of Tax Compliance Costs in Evaluating the GST 미리보기
18549 저널기사 Use and misuse of unemployment benefits for early retirement 미리보기
Cremer, H.; Lozachmeur, J. M.; Pestieau, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
18550 저널기사 Use and Misuse of Unobserved Components in Economic Forecasting 미리보기
Maravall, A. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1994
18551 저널기사 Use and outcome of online health information services: a study among Scottish population 미리보기
Harbour, J.; Chowdhury, G. G. Aslib [etc.] 2007
18552 저널기사 Use and Rationale of Media Types in Performance-Centered Design 미리보기
Schubert, D. ISPI 2002
18553 저널기사 Use and rationale of media types in performance-centered design 미리보기
Schubert, D. ISPI 2002
18554 저널기사 Use and recovery of a homogeneous catalyst with carbon dioxide as a solubility switch/ 미리보기
Ablan, C. D Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
18555 저널기사 Use and Usefulness of Performance Measurement in State Science and Technology Programs 미리보기
18556 저널기사 Use and usefulness of sustainability economics 미리보기
Bartelmus, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
18557 저널기사 Use as directed 미리보기
Day, Charles R Penton/IPC 1995
18558 저널기사 Use a Vending Machine to 'Hand Out' Supplies / 미리보기
Davis 1984
18559 저널기사 Use AV Techniques to Increase Students' Knowledge of Safety / 미리보기
Nutt Educational Press Association of America 1987
18560 저널기사 Use Basic Hand tools to Cut and Trim Paper / 미리보기
Hanson Educational Press Association of America 1989
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