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18621 저널기사 Usefulness of endoscopic ultrasonography in patients with "idiopathic" acute pancreatitis/ 미리보기
Frossard, Jean Louis University of Virginia School of Medicine 2000
18622 저널기사 Usefulness of Fine-Needle Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study in 37,895 Patients/ 미리보기
Ravetto, Carlo Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.] 2001
18623 저널기사 Usefulness of GOLD classification of COPD severity/ 미리보기
Kohler, D British Medical Association 2003
18624 저널기사 Usefulness of human capital management information systems on payroll reliability among public universities in Tanzania 미리보기
Masele JJ; Kagoma RS Basil Blackwell 2023
18625 저널기사 Usefulness of intellectual capital information: preparers' and users' views 미리보기
Ousama, A. A.; Fatima, A. H.; Majdi, A. R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
18626 저널기사 Usefulness of language and memory testing during intracarotid amobarbital testing: observations from an fMRI study/ 미리보기
Aldenkamp, A. P Munksgaard 2003
18627 저널기사 Usefulness of letters from hospitals to general practitioners 미리보기
BADO, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
18628 저널기사 Usefulness of low-dose spiral CT of the chest in regular follow-up of postoperative non-small cell lung cancer patients: preliminary report/ 미리보기
Chiu, C. H C.V. Mosby 2003
18629 저널기사 Usefulness of Marker-QTL Associations in Early Generation Selection 미리보기
Eathington, S. R Crop Science Society of America 1980
18630 저널기사 Usefulness of Microvolt T-Wave Alternans for Prediction of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmic Events in Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Results From a Prospective Observational Study/ 미리보기
Hohnloser, S. H Elsevier Science Pub 2003
18631 저널기사 Usefulness of monitoring lung function in asthma/ 미리보기
Brand, P. L. P BMJ Pub. Group [etc.] 2003
18632 저널기사 Usefulness of MRI for differentiating the different varieties of duplicated uterus/ 미리보기
Hoeffel, J-C Springer-Verlag 2001
18633 저널기사 Usefulness of multiple-site venous sampling in the treatment of adrenocorticotropic hormone-producing pituitary adenomas/ 미리보기
Kai, Y Paul C. Bucy and Associates 2003
18634 저널기사 Usefulness of Palatal Mucoperiosteal Grafts for Artificial Eye Socket Contracture/ 미리보기
Ito, O Little, Brown] 2003
18635 저널기사 Usefulness of peak expiratory flow measurements: is it just a matter of instrument accuracy?/ 미리보기
Brusasco, V British Medical Association 2003
18636 저널기사 Usefulness of Pipelle endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis of women at risk for ectopic pregnancy/ 미리보기
Barnhart, K. T C.V. Mosby Co 1900
18637 저널기사 Usefulness of Positron Emission Tomographic Visualization for Examination of In Vivo Susceptibility to Metastasis/ 미리보기
Kikkawa, Hironori Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.] 2000
18638 저널기사 Usefulness of preoperative lymphoscintigraphy for the identification of sentinel lymph nodes in melanoma/ 미리보기
Morris, Katherine T Louis F. LeJacq 2001
18639 저널기사 Usefulness of quantitative assessment of the WT1 gene transcript as a marker for minimal residual disease detection/ 미리보기
Cilloni, D W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
18640 저널기사 Usefulness of reconstruction with jejunal pouch in total gastrectomy for gastric cancer in early improvement of nutritional condition/ 미리보기
Nozoe, Tadahiro Louis F. LeJacq 2001
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