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18641 저널기사 Usefulness of Sniff Nasal Pressure in Patients with Neuromuscular or Skeletal Disorders/ 미리보기
Stefanutti, Daniela 2000
18642 저널기사 Usefulness of sonographic guidance during percutaneous biopsy of mesenteric masses/ 미리보기
Ho, L. M American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2003
18643 저널기사 Usefulness of the BTA stat Test for the diagnosis of bladder cancer/ 미리보기
Guti�rrez Ba�s, Jos� Luis Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2001
18644 저널기사 Usefulness of the evaporative light scattering detector for direct screening of biological fluids/ 미리보기
Criado, Andr�s Elsevier Pub. Co 2001
18645 저널기사 Usefulness of the Finnish classification of indoor climate, construction and finishing materials: comparison of indoor climate between two new blocks of flats in Finland/ 미리보기
Tuomainen, Marja Pergamon 2001
18646 저널기사 Usefulness of the Initial Noninvasive Imaging Study to Predict the Adverse Outcomes in the Medical Treatment of Acute Type A Aortic Intramural Hematoma/ 미리보기
Song, J.-M American Heart Association, etc.] 2003
18647 저널기사 Usefulness of the MicroSeq 500 16S Ribosomal DNA-Based Bacterial Identification System for Identification of Clinically Significant Bacterial Isolates with Ambiguous Biochemical Profiles/ 미리보기
Woo, P. C. Y American Society for Microbiology 2003
18648 저널기사 Usefulness of the newly completed semiclassical theory of curve crossing: multi-channel resonant scattering 미리보기
Zhu, C. Nakamura, H. North Holland 1997
18649 저널기사 Usefulness of the pediatric electrocardiogram in detecting left ventricular hypertrophy: Results from the Prospective Pediatric Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Complications of Vertically Transmitted HIV Infection (P^2C^2 HIV) Multicenter study/ 미리보기
Rivenes, S. M C. V. Mosby Co 2003
18650 저널기사 Usefulness of the Protection Motivation Theory in Explaining Hearing Protection Device Use Among Male Industrial Workers 미리보기
Melamed, S Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1980
18651 저널기사 Usefulness of the simultaneous acquisition of spatial harmonics technique during MRI of the shoulder/ 미리보기
Magee, T American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2003
18652 저널기사 Usefulness of tissue polypeptide antigen in the follow-up of bladder cancer/ 미리보기
Menendez Lopez, V Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2003
18653 저널기사 Usefulness of ultrasonography in gastric foreign body retention/ 미리보기
Spina, P Springer-Verlag 2000
18654 저널기사 Usefulness of Urinary Antigen Detection by an Immunochromatographic Test for Diagnosis of Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Children/ 미리보기
Dominguez, J American Society for Microbiology 2003
18655 저널기사 Usefulness of Urodynamic Examination in Female Urinary Incontinence: Lessons from a Population-Based, Randomized, Controlled Study of Conservative Treatment/ 미리보기
Holtedahl, Knut The Almpvist and Wiksell Periodical Co 2000
18656 저널기사 Usefulness of Uselessness: A Case for Negative Capability in Management 미리보기
Saggurthi, Suneetha; Thakur, Munish Academy of Management 2016
18657 저널기사 Usefulness of Value Added and Abnormal Economic Earnings: An Empirical Examination 미리보기
Bao, B.-H. BLACKWELL 1998
18658 저널기사 Usefulness-the Vanishing Premise in Accounting Standard Setting 미리보기
Chambers, R.J. Springer-Verlag 1979
18659 저널기사 Useful precautions in radiography from the genetic point of view / 미리보기
Kirsh, I.E American Medical Association 1957
18660 저널기사 Useful Scalar Parameters for Multiaxial Fatigue Deformation Studies 미리보기
Tourabi, A Pergamon Press 1980
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