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18701 저널기사 U.S. Energy Tax Policy. 미리보기
Bernard, Jean-Thomas Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers 2017
18702 저널기사 Usenet and the Library 미리보기
Gainor, L. PIERIAN PRESS 1993
18703 저널기사 Usenet as a Reference Tool 미리보기
Klassen, T. PIERIAN PRESS 1995
18704 저널기사 Usenet Groups, Virtual Community, and Consumer Behaviors 미리보기
Okleshen, C.;Grossbart, S. Association for Consumer Research 1997
VERSCHOOR, CURTIS C Institute of Management Accountants 2017
18706 저널기사 U.S. Enforcement Efforts Turn Toward `Leavers' 미리보기
Richman, Nathan J. Tax Analysts 2015
18707 저널기사 USEN-NEXT HOLDINGS : 定年を70歳に延長。人事制度も総合的に見直し、年齢に関係なく活躍できる環境を整備 미리보기
労務行政研究所 2021
18708 저널기사 US environmental governance and local climate change mitigation policies: California's story 미리보기
Heberle, L. C.; Christensen, I. M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
18709 저널기사 US environmental load displacement: examining consumption, regulations and the role of NAFTA 미리보기
Cole, M. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
18710 저널기사 US Environmental Regulation and FDI: Evidence from a Panel of US-Based Multinational Firms 미리보기
Hanna, R. American Economic Association 2010
18711 저널기사 USENが訪日外国人女性向けのカプセルホテルをオープン 미리보기
綜合ユニコム 2016
18712 저널기사 Use Obsolete Printer's Quoins to Make Miter Clamps / 미리보기
Carkhuff 1986
18713 저널기사 Use of 0�5 per cent fipronil spray to treat sarcoptic mange in a litterof five-week-old puppies 미리보기
Curtis, C. F The Association 1996
18714 저널기사 Use of 1,2,4-dithiazolidine-3,5-dione (DtsNH) and 3-ethoxy-1,2,4-dithiazoline-5-one (EDITH) for synthesis of phosphorothioate-containing oligodeoxyribonucleotides 미리보기
Xu, Q Information Retrieval Limited 1980
18715 저널기사 Use of ^1^3C NMR and FTIR for Elucidation of Degradation Pathways DuringNatural Litter Decomposition and Composting. I. Early Stage Leaf Degradation 미리보기
Wershaw, R. L Williams & Wilkins Co 1996
18716 저널기사 Use of ^1^5N-HMBC NMR techniques to determine the orientation of the steroidal units in ritterazine A 미리보기
Fukuzawa, S Pergamon Press 1980
18717 저널기사 Use of 16S-rPNA to Investigate Microbial Population Dynamics During Biodegradation of Toluene and Phenol by a Binary Culture Published online 21 September 2000/ 미리보기
Rogers, J B John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 2000
18718 저널기사 Use of 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing for Rapid Identification and Differentiation of Burkholderia pseudomallei and B. mallei/ 미리보기
Gee, J. E American Society for Microbiology 1900
18719 저널기사 Use of 18S rRNA Gene-Based PCR Assay for Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba Keratitis in Non-Contact Lens Wearers in India/ 미리보기
Pasricha, G American Society for Microbiology 2003
18720 저널기사 Use of ^1^9F NMR spectroscopy to evaluate reactions in solid phase organic synthesis 미리보기
Svensson, A Pergamon Press 1980
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